Spring Band Concert

A few days before the band concert, I made some "lemon fluffies" to bring to my mom's meeting.  Sadly, it was cancelled due to the coordinator having an ill baby, so I reassigned them to band concert reception duty.

Since my meeting had been cancelled, I had time to make up the puppy chow that Alice requested as her snack to bring.

There was so little chex cereal left in the bag, and I knew my crew would not eat it quickly, so I made a savory chex mix to use up the remainder.  The secret ingredient was Worchester sauce, my favorite, so I knew it would be good!

I was really glad that I had made all the goodies before Wednesday night, because after dinner Emily took over the kitchen to make two batches of cupcakes with colored frosting!

They came out super cute!

I had signed up, with one other person to help set up the baked goods for the reception.  It was way more food than people signed up to bring, so the tables were covered in sugar!

Alice separated her puppy chow into cups to make for a smooth grab and go experince.

During the concert, Alice was intentionally hiding from me. punk.

They was a big improvement from their Christmas concert.

When she stood up, she couldn't hide from me anymore! ha!

We got another use out of the fake flowers!!!

It was a sweet concert.  I felt kind of mean when trying to keep family and friends of the band from getting treats from the table before the band members could join us.  Since it was a reception for them after all.  Most people listened, but there were still a few people who took snacks before the band even came in. = (

This was Alice's final middle school concert, which makes me a little sad, but I'm looking forward to seeing her play next year as a high schooler!

later days

edit 5-25-24: backdated for continuity.

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