Mother's Day

Mother's Day was a weekend ordeal this year for our family!  Emily had back-to-back sleepovers, so all was saw of her was picking her up from one friend's house and driving to the next one.   Alice spent Saturday hanging out with her friend too, so we took the three youngest to Chuck E Cheese!

It had been a while since we'd been, and the place was empty when we arrived!  

The three of them had a really good time, and are excited to go back next time.  Grace and I also ducked over to Goodwill, where she scored 9 books from the set, I survived, that she's currently into! We got back in plenty of time for Alice to return, and had a quiet evening.  This helped dull the sting of not being invited to brunch on Sunday.

For Mother's Day, Grace tried to bring me breakfast in bed, but was a little slow, and I was already up and dressed.

It was a sweet gesture though, and a nice way to start the morning.

Billy scheduled, just the two of us*, a brunch reservation at the Tavern & Tap.  They had a special menu, and as predicted, I got the eggs benedict.

Billy got the benedict burger, which was pretty much my egg, on a hamburger instead of English muffin. = )

We weren't due to pick up Emily until 3, so we walked around downtown Lansing and played some Pokemon Go.

The city planners did a phenomenal job of presenting the capitol building from each direction!

Our walk took us down to Jackson field, where there was a game in progress.  It turns out it was a college finals game, and since it was the eight inning, we got free entry!

I love this stadium so much!  Since there were plenty of empty seats, Billy and I found a place where he could sit in the shade, and I could sit in the sunshine!

GLIAC Baseball Tournament.  This was the final game: GVSU vs SVSU.  We threw our support to the team in red, since that tends to be who we root for.  Sadly, our team didn't win, but it was a fun way to waste an hour!

From there it was time to go collect our Emily, and get ready for our week!

later days

*With the exception of, maybe, Emily, our kids are not yet old enough to appreciate the food at this price point, and having a leisurely brunch with Billy was more enjoyable than bringing all five along to start asking about leaving the second they've finished their 4 bites of food.  I do look forward to the day when I can sit and chat with all of my dear ones over a Mother's Day brunch, and I don't think that day is too far off, if our dinner time conversations are any indication! 

edit 5-27-24: backdated for continuity. 

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