Spring Nature Pictures

So, these are more pictures from outside, that are not my garden. ; )

Grace collected some blossoms from our yard, and her friend's yard, since they were playing together that afternoon.  Her display was really pretty.  She says her favorite was the small pink one or maybe the cluster of white ones..

Dandelion seed spheres were prevalent for our first few warm walks to school in the morning.

Full tree & closeup.

Colorful seed pods!

Grace gave me a pretty blossom that she found loose on the sidewalk (probably from some of the beautiful hanging baskets around town.)



On another day, Grace gave me a heart shaped leaf!

The bunny was standing still, until I stopped, then it bolted.  So, it looks like a bunny blur!

This story is kind of sad, so if you don't want to be sad, just skip to the next paragraph.  So, there was a bush that we would walk by near the twins' school, and each day a very nervous bird would bolt from the bush.  I told the girls that I bet there's a nest in there.  Sure enough, Emily, during one of her afternoon walks with us, found a nest with eggs!  The next morning, Grace, Juliet, and I looked to see if the eggs were hatching, and they were gone. = (  I feel like maybe our sent on the bush may have alerted a cat or bigger bird to the nest? or maybe it was the nervous nature of the skittish bird that did it, but we were all saddened by the missing eggs.

Watching a slugs' reaction to a stick put in it's path.

One day I was at the Goodwill in Mason, and saw this weird yellow wall. Turns out, it was this field of vibrant yellow something!  This picture doesn't do justice to how bright it was!

Our fallen tree, from last autumn's storm, has some fresh growth!!!

I spotted a family of geese swimming upriver along the shore on one of my walks home from taking Grace and Juliet.

When I was walking with the big kids to the bus stop, we saw this cool flower that looked like it had tiny hedgehog shaped bugs on it.  

Turns out they were just the pod pieces of the flower!

An hour later, when I was walking with Grace and Juliet, the pods were completely off!  It's crazy how fast the transition took place.

I saw some bigger, stronger geese a few weeks later, practicing their food gathering skills.

Grace and Juliet found a bug somewhere and wanted a picture.

We've been enjoying our warm, leisurely walks in the morning.  The afternoon has become far less consistent, depending on weather, whether or not I'm working, and other chores that need to happen after school.

I'm sure I'll post more pictures as we progress from spring into summer!

later days

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