Spring Farmer's Market

Despite the streak of warm weather that we'd had, the day of the spring farmer's market was cold!!!  It was the Saturday before Mother's Day this year.  And maybe it always is, and I've just never noticed. lol.

A wildlife creature of unknown description ate my young tomato plants, so I was hoping to buy some replacements, and maybe a zucchini too, just in case mine didn't take. Sadly, they didn't have either of those things. = (

Despite that, we managed to find things to buy!

Before Avia left, she gave me $20 to take everyone out for donuts.  Since it had been months, and not happened, I let the twins spend it at the market.  They chose to get some fancy cupcakes for everyone!

We also got popcorn, freeze-dried candy, and some sourdough bread!

It was a busy market, but even busier when we drove by to grab Emily from sleepover #1 and take Alice to her!

later days

edit 5-27-24: backdated for continuity.

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