Garden 2024

It took me four trips (3.5 cubic yards) to fill the new bed and refresh the existing beds this year!

Filled up Sarah's truck with a fresh tarp, which now has many holes from the shovel.  = 0

New bed!

I unloaded it all by myself this year, because Billy's workday didn't allow for long breaks to unload dirt (weird, right?) lol.

All done!

A few weeks later, I planed the three sisters method: beans, corn, & peas. 

Marked and fingers crossed!  But first, let me 'unbury' this pile of rocks before planting... children!

At the end of last mow season, our lawn guy avoided certain areas from the garden plants, so I had to clear them of weeds to let him know that they need to be mowed until reoccupied.

My mock-up of cell phone path covers.  This is about half of what I have, and not even a quarter of my hopeful coverage. If you have any broken or old covers, I'm happy to take them off of your hands!

On mother's day, before the painters came, I cleared out the weeds near the laundry room!

An animal, of unknown description, ate my baby tomato plants, and the spring market was not offering tomato shoots this year, but Nicole gave me some of her hot house starters!!!  She also gave me two 'Sweet Williams,' since I have two "Sweet Williams!" = )

One triad grew!!!!

Baby tomatoes on the plant from Nicole!!

It's been dry for the past few weeks, so I'm watering, but between growth and re-plants, things are looking good!

later days

edit 5-26-24: edited, as of the final picture, for continuity.

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