Frankenmuth Fun!

So, this trip started months ago, when Emily's robotics team wanted to participate in the spring competition.   The date has been on the calendar for a while now, but the start time was going to be 715, two hours away, no bus.  = 0 The coordinator did say that we would not have to stay the duration, only until elimination.

I told Emily to prepare her bag for an adventure afterwards!  Maybe a side trip to Canada (the competition was up near the thumb of Michigan) or for a trip to little Bavaria or a state park, the destination depended on when we were dismissed from the competition.

Well, just a precious few days before the competition, the coordinator made the call that the robot would not be ready for Saturday, and cancelled the competition.  Naturally, Emily was saddened, but even worse, our adventure was cancelled. (Who knew the consolation for a 430 wake up would be the sad element?) 

I talked it over with Billy and we decided that since Saturday was now open, we would all go on an adventure!!! Everyone was given $20 to spend, or not spend, as they saw fit.* 

Saturday morning, I woke up at 615, super excited about our impending trip.  The rest of the family was short behind and we were en route before 10am!!!

We pulled into Frankenmuth just after 11, and decided the largest Christmas store in the world should be our first stop.


Everything was novel and exciting and amazing.  Really, there was something for everyone!  We bought a father's day gift for Billy, as well as a replacement for a previous trip Christmas ornament! = )


Goofy Photo-op!

Hey, it's Victorian William!  (He's even in green)

Alice bought a pressed penny.

After Bronner's we headed to the shops, starting with the forge shop.  They had a cool doodle station!

Our next stop was the used bookstore across the way.  Grace and I didn't find any of our Wishlist items, but there was a book signing in progress.  Billy inquired as to the genre, and wouldn't you know it was a murder mystery! (my favorite!!!) So, he bought me a signed copy of the local authors!**  I hope to get book two when it comes out!

Next, we perused a game store, tourist shop, and played the arcade.

Then we headed outside to enjoy the beautiful May day!

The crepe shop proved too strong of a temptation, and we went there to get a Nutella crepe, plus some flavored coffee for a few children. The inside was super adorable, and painted like a Parisian alleyway!

Our final stop in the shops was the mirror maze.  Billy stepped in an paid the way for everyone, because the big girls opted out, but since it was unlimited visits during the day of purchase, and he didn't want anyone missing out.  All 5 of them loved it!

Frog searching photo-op!

Peacocks and pigeons!  We also saw a wedding party! What a beautiful location to have a wedding!

Alice channeled her inner Disney princess and fed the bird from her hand! No one else had any success doing so.


We were going to follow the river and avoid the traffic, but there were butterfly murals.  I am thrilled with the pictures, and think it was our best detour of the day!

Ever since the fallout party, I've been highly sensitive to the blue/yellow combo (which is also UofM) but it seems to be omnipresent. 

Now that I've actually been to Bavaria (and Baden-Württemberg) I have way more of an appreciation for this being legit German (since previously I'd only been to the former East Germany and Berlin.)  We saw so many international tourist groups!  Japanese and Indian top the list, but there were certainly others.  I am flabbergasted that this 'out of the way' town in Michigan can pull an international audience!!!

During our patio music appreciation, we took turns shopping in the basement shops of the Bavarian Inn.

Alice made it to the Käsegeschäft, and was ready to leave. lol.

We went back for one more round in the shops, where all the children ordered ice cream!

Our final stop was at the mirror maze, to enjoy a few more laps.  Then it was time to say "Auf Wiedershen" to Frankenmuth!

It was such a lovely day, with our whole family able to find something, and as short as these experiences are feeling these days, I loved it.  I can't wait to go back, or find somewhere else to 'love' as a family!

later days

*This was amazing!!!!  I highly recommend this, because every question's answer is "you have money!" And every single one of them came home and 'kept' the change!

**This was not the most amazing murder mystery that I've ever read.  I did not solve it, because it was absolutely the most obvious suspect.  However, for a first attempt, I liked it enough to finish it within 3 school days (!) so I would totally recommend it if you're into mysteries.  And, if you're interested, you can borrow my copy! = )

edit 5-26-24: backdated for continuity.

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