Doctor Visits

It's nice to only have to update once every several months about doctors versus weekly or daily! 

Grace and Juliet had to get some fillings, so it was just the three of us.  

When we made it back to the dental building from the building with the recycling bin, everyone was outside, and the fire alarm was going off!

Emily had a yearly checkup.  She completed the magnetic color puzzle. She wanted to know whether or not I was proud of her. lol.

William had an orthodontics appointment at a weird time, early on a Tuesday.  Usually, his ortho appointments are on Friday, but since they are starting treatment, they needed us in on a different day.

We got in well before the appointment, since I buffered for traffic and construction.  It wasn't until we were walking around campus that I realized what shirt he'd chosen for the day.  = 0

After his appointment, we went to the Salvation Army, where we cleaned up on Squishmallows for Christmas!!!   We also tried to go to a local thrift store, but they aren't open on Tuesdays. = (   Since we drove back a different path, I spied a Jazz club!

At another follow up appointment, William decided that he wanted to hang from the coat hook while we waited for the tech to track down a wooden block for his foot, per the x-ray orders.

His curve looks better than it did, so we don't have to go in for another year!

I'm thankful that their condition is so well managed that we just have the regular appointments, which are just about the same drive as we made in Houston, despite crossing half the state!  Trying to work the special state insurance to get William's new orthodontist on the approved list.  Hopeful that we'll get it worked out before his August appointment!

later days 

edit 5-25-24: backdated for continuity.

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