Aurora Borealis

I'm going to start this post the night before.  It was a typical Friday night, there were news articles saying to look at the skies for the aurora borealis, before the clouds moved in.  We'd gotten this enough times that I was not overly excited and went to bed at normal time.  

When I woke up, I had all the envy, because my friends had gotten amazing shots!  I was not alone, since someone made this meme.

Okay, now onto the next day, Saturday.  Billy and I prepared to head to Dimes, and Grace wanted to come along.  Despite warning that she would be bored, and we were going to be there over an hour, she still wanted to come.  Well, we were there even longer than expected, because we ran into Kim and Mark (apparently this happenstance kind of meeting at the Dimes was on Billy's bucket list = )) so we ended up staying even longer.  

But Grace could not have been better behaved.  She entertained herself with things she brought in a bag, and later my phone with some pictures.  She was trying to capture the aurora borealis, since we were supposed to have another chance of seeing it.

She thought she might have seen it, but I think it might have been wishful thinking.

Once we got home, I tried to take pictures and capture my own, but only ended up with some really cool shots of the big dipper.

This last one might have traces of it, but we for sure missed out on the impressive night (as a whole family! Apparently Emily was outside with her friends at a sleepover and they didn't know to take pictures, so they missed it too! = ( )

 Next time I'll heed the warnings and stay up; hopefully I can check it off my bucket list!

later days

edit 5-25-24: backdated for continuity

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