Grace and Juliet's 10th Birthday Party Sleepover

Earlier in the year, Juliet's BFF Kennedy and her mom were in a car accident.  Kennedy was released to school a few weeks later (her mom has had a much longer recovery) in a wheelchair and cast.  Juliet really wanted Kennedy to come for the sleepover, so we waited until she was out of her cast to have the party.  So, despite their birthday being in April, their party was in June.

In the days leading up to the party, we painted rocks (a rock for every occasion!)

And the girls filled up some goodies bags.

I saw some cute little hot pads at a thrift store one day, and thought they would make adorable sleeping bag invitations!  So, I sewed them up the side and cut out a 'girl shaped' invitation to slide inside, then rolled them.  I was pleased.

This picture is included somewhere else in the blog too, but I thought I'd add it again.

Each time I encountered unicorns or rainbows or anything that screamed twin party, I bought it for their party.  We also reused some of the decorations from their class publishing party, like the streamers, and glass cups!

The streamers were harder to put up and take down this time, since I was using straight pins and a hammer instead of the original adhesive, it looked so good, that it was absolutely worth it!

We didn't have any games or activities planned, so they mostly just hung out and entertained each other.

Grace got a lot of Hello Kitty stuffies for her birthday!

They liked the bubbles from Zoey!

William was quite the sport, considering he was now outnumbered 9:1!

We also reused the drink fountain, with limes added for that little extra flavor.  The splash radius is wild though, and the counter and floor were both so wet by the end of the day!

Everyone taking an electronic break.

The American girl dolls got some play, when they set up the entirety of accessories around the room!

Table was reset for breakfast the next morning. 

Since all the plates and bowls matched, we marked them with these cute little llamas that I got for mother's day last year!

I finally crashed around one in the morning, but heard them up by 7.  So, they didn't get much sleep!

Despite planning these as a 'craft' I opted to just make them.  The ones without bears just have chocolate centers!

 I think my girls had a great time, and hope that their guests did too!  It was crazy and loud, but wonderful to have so many friends come to celebrate with Grace and Juliet!

later days

you can see their actual birthday here.

edit 7-21-24: backdated for continuity.

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