EW Summer Camp

For the first three weeks of their summer, Emily and William went to a summer camp sponsored by their school!  They were on the bus only about 30 minutes later than during the school year, but the stakes were low, as there were no repercussions if they missed.  And I'd rather oversleep summer camp than Alice's driving school!  Fortunately, we didn't miss any of it.

Day one!

They pained some really cute art during week 2!  We kept Emily's because it was so cute!  Each week was themed, and this was from nature week. 

William's was more abstract, but I still wanted a picture of it!

During the last week, they went on a field trip to Funtyme, where we had just gone a few weeks before.

Last day of Summer camp!

They finished up the same week that Alice finished up driving school, so right before our camping trip.  Grace and Juliet had to come with me on Wednesdays and Thursdays, since Billy, Alice and Emily were all out of the house too.  You can read more about what we did here.

Next year, Emily will be in band camp, and the twins will still be at their old school, so it will only be William, if he chooses to go!

later days

edit 7-21-24: backdated for continuity.

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