At School

The last few weeks of school were particularly hectic for everyone!  I ended up subbing the very last week of the year for the twins' teacher.  It was a short assignment, since he was on campus at a meeting, but I was happy to spend a few extra minutes with my babies and their classmates!

I snuck some pictures of them during independent reading (a task at which the whole class excelled!)

On this particular day, Emily and William were at their first week of summer camp, and Alice was home, resting, before her first day of driving school!

I loved subbing for this class, they were so well behaved! (As were Alice and William's classes, when they had this teacher!!)

I have a bit of trepidation for next year, as the twins will still be at their school, but the teacher will be new to the school!  Hopefully we can build a rapport early in the year*.  

Assuming Emily and William will be offered bus service again in the fall, I have three days already on the calendar at Grace and Juliet's school (with previous teachers,) so I'll get to peek in on them either way!

later days

edit 7-19-24: backdated for continuity.  

*And she has a summer worth of secondhand goodies heading her way, should she want them!

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