Lansing Beerfest

Billy and I love to spend time at Lugnuts stadium, and this year, we thought we could go to the Lansing Beerfest, and enjoy the stadium.  Sadly, there were two different events, and our tickets were not for the stadium event, but rather in REOtown.  

I like REOtown well enough, and our Uber was able to get us quite close to the entrance!

The clouds provided some significant cover, so I was quite happy that I'd brought along my hoodie.

There were only two food vendors, a Mexican food truck, and a Greek food truck.  We tried the Greek one first, with the intention of trying the Mexican one later in the event, but the Greek was so good that we ended up getting our second snack from there too! = )

Despite the rain, we spent several hours chatting with Greg and Julie who go to these events regularly!  They were prepared with rain gear; Billy and I shared an umbrella that I packed at the last second.

 It was wet, and a little cold, but a nice way to while away an afternoon!

later days

edit 7-19-24: backdated for continuity

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