At the start of this year, I fully anticipated field day being a very, very sad event. However, with news that the twins would return to their school for fifth grade, it was less emotional than expected. = )
Also, construction was due to start on the new building, so field day was to be moved over to the Lion's park across the street from the school. Thankfully, the construction was delayed so they were able to have their field day in the usual field.
One more unexpected turn was that in the morning I was asked to sub for the Dean of Students, so I dressed for work that morning, then ran home to change into warmer clothes (it was a good year to not be in a water event!) and collect Emily, who also volunteered her time.
I got my first picture of the twins at the event next to us. It was a variation of tag, with the 'it' player having a hula hoop of 'octopuses' legs' to tag their classmates. It was really funny to watch. When you got out, you sat down until the next round.
Emily helped me illustrate the proper way to bunny hop through the hula hoops, in order to meet up with your opponent to play rock, paper, scissor. The winner kept hopping along, until the next member of the opposite team met them to challenge them.

It's a cute game, with a bit of waiting, after all the group running that they did in the previous game.
As we went along, my instructions became more concise and refined, but after saying the instructions so many times, I couldn't recall if I gave my entire spiel. lol.
Next year is shaping up to be radically different in every way, so we'll see how it looks at the end of the year. Grace and Juliet will get out even earlier than Emily and William, with their wildly early start date, so I won't have my Emily to help me!
I'm happy to have one more field day to look forward to.
later days
edit 7-20-24: backdated for continuity.
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