Yard Sale

The Community Yard Sale this year overlapped with Alice's first week of driving school, came at the end of the twins' final school week, and the Friday overlapped with the Olds car show in downtown!

Naturally, the twins wanted a lemonade stand again, and I was able to rescue a podium like stand from the trash pile at their school.  I think they may have liked the new stand even more than last years' free stand!

I rescued two other pieces of furniture from the trash pile as well: a heavy-duty desk and tiny corner stand.  The desk sold for $1, and the corner stand for a quarter.

William was able to fit inside the desk!

Oh no, Emily, don't lock him in! lol.

We stayed open really late the first night, and the twins sold so much lemonade as people made their way to the car show!  We've gone each year (shy of when they closed for covid) since we've lived her, and I didn't want to miss out.  So Emily and I walked down.  

I swear, my picture taking at the event gets worse and worse each year! This year I didn't bring my phone, so the pictures we took were on Emily's phone, and were of the 'wood look' details on one of the cars, not even pictures of her next to the cars. lol.

On Saturday we reopened for a half day, but business was slower, particularly for the twins.  At the end of the sale, everything went on the curb for free!

Several hours later, this is all that was left, and the stand was collected just after I took this picture!  The smaller box was mostly books, and would have easily fit into the other box or suitcase, but I didn't want to make them heavy and awkward.  

It was a successful venture, at least Emily, Grace and Juliet thought so!  And I was pleased to only have to contend with a small pile at the end.

later days

edit 7-20-24: backdated for continuity. 

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