Grace and Juliet turn 10!!!!

This milestone birthday certainly hits hard, when the children in question are the babies of the family!!  I cannot believe that these tiny little babies are now 10 years old. ::sniffle::

Grace and Juliet's birthday fell on a Tuesday this year, and they were super excited to bring cupcakes and cookies to pass out.  The cupcakes we made the night before, but they also wanted the super soft cookies with the creamy icing from BJs to pass out, and since there are two of them each one got to pick a treat.

One final photo session as nine-year-olds! (G-J)

Happy Birthday to my favorite twins ever!  I was too slow, to capture it, but Grace blew out her candles a little earlier than Juliet, and somehow managed to blow out only her ten!  It was awesome!

They got some water balloons, and thought it was warm enough to go play outside in their swimsuits.  I did not think it was that warm, personally.

When they came inside, they opened their presents.  My mom found some coordinating sets of something that were Hello Kitty & Ariel, which rarely happens!  

I think they had a fun birthday, filled with many of their favorite things!

Happy birthday to these freshly minted ten year olds!  

later days

you can read their surveys here: Grace and Juliet.

edit 5-27-24: backdated for continuity. 

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