Grace Answers Her Birthday Survey: 10 years-old

So Grace and Juliet have been ten for almost two months, but better late than never, right?

I am 10 years old.

My favorite color is: green
The coolest person on earth is: A.L.L
The thing I do best is: 
If I could change my name, it would be: maple
My favorite toy is: 
When I grow up, I want to be: nurse/doctor
I like to watch: hello kitty
My favorite song is: dance monkey
My favorite book is: the hello kitty book we have
3 words to describe me are: cute, brown hair, loving
When I was little, I used to: not be messy
My favorite season is: spring
The food I like most is: tacos/spaghetti
One food I really don't like is: sleeve like pasta
My best friend is: Zoey, Renae
For my birthday I want to: get a VR kit
My best memory is: all the fun times

later days

you can find last year's survey here.

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