Fallout Premier Party

A few months ago, I posted about some of the prep I'd been working on for our Fallout Premier Party.  After that, I did a little more prep, and the day finally arrived where we could party and watch the Premier on Amazon!!!

I bought some "squirrel bits" at Gordon's. They were pretty tasty!  Our other main course options were Salisbury steak and noodle cups!

The first round of beer labels didn't really suit my overall effect, so instead of printing labels, we went super basic.  I was much happier.  And, I came to the realization that I could save the labels to glue back on after the party and get my deposit back!!! = )

I desperately wanted the pencil skirt and polyester sleeveless turtleneck with a flip and scarf, 

but that was too modern to be cannon, so I ended up with a button down and pseudo poodle skirt.

One of the party games was to find a 'hidden' plunger.  It's one of my favorite parts of 76, as I think I've mentioned before, so I wanted our guests to feel the excitement too!

After sourcing many stores, I found that these pint-sized (not literally) coke bottles were the only economical glass ones available in our area! They did transform beautifully into nuka-cola bottles though! = )

I found this awesome prop at the MSU surplus store, but was not willing to drop $5 on a prop that wouldn't even light up!

The "Fancy Lad Cakes" made an appearance!

As did the Family Size of Sugar Bombs.

Billy tested out his 3D printer on a badge, but this one was far too large for the lapel pins that I bought, so I painted it with metallic paint and used it as decor.

Cram anyone?

I very a pro pros magnet to use as part of the spread.

I needed something to protect the coffee table, so I repurposed one of our Witcher watching party props!!! = )

The blue and yellow Vault Tec color scheme stretched to the kitchen!

We moved the couch into the bathroom, and then "nuked" the girls' room!

This yellow sheet served double duty!  First, we used it to 'hide' the bunk area of the girls' room, then I cut it down for the twins' talent show!

Emily, Grace, and Juliet found some last-minute blue and yellow to match the theme!  They all approved of the Nuka Cola! = )

Party time!!!!

I was so happy to have a full house to enjoy this premier!  Hopefully everyone enjoyed the 2-3 episodes we watched. = ) Billy was pleased with the direction of the show, and I loved the party! = )

Afterwards, we cleared the room, but didn't return the couch, since Zoey got to stay over for a sleep over with Grace and Juliet!!!! = )

A month after the party (as always) I found another prop that would have made a great side table!!! = (

It was one awesome party, I'm so glad that we got to celebrate with friends.  And maybe in a few years when the next season comes out, we can do it again! 

later days

edited 5-26-24: backdated for continuity.

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