All the Other Pieces

These are all the little things that don't fit with the other posts, but that I want to remember!

Somehow we missed this summer's ophthalmologist appointment, and when I realized my mistake (they usually call me!) I couldn't get an appointment until February!!!   So, poor Juliet is still having to patch daily for three hours, hence all of the pictures of her in her patch!

That said, she made an adorable micro-city out of Legos! = )

Kristy gifted us some venison stew meat, and since Thursdays are my primary day to sub and the twins have their robotics meeting (and so do the big girls) I've been crock-potting Thursday meals each week.  To make it special I bought some bread bowls from Panera (just like I did with the murder mystery party) and all of the kids really liked it!!

I remembered to take a picture this go round!!!

We rescued a metal duck from our yard sale this summer.  We're not sure where he came from, but we've named him 'yardie' and we hide him around the kitchen for fun. = )

When the Backstreet Boys came on Mosaic one day, Grace was telling me that they sound just like the band in Turning Red!  I told her this was totally intentional, and she asked if they got their sound from the movie.... I laughed really hard.

The kids broke out some building materials and had some creative time!


Foam blocks (I had to clear them out of the basement, because Billy bought a case of coffee cups, and we needed the space!)

A sheet that I bought for Emily to cut up for her school dance, but that she thought was fun to play in, and then she had company!

Out shopping we found a Christmas Moose for Aunt Rocky!  (but she didn't want it. lol)

On a particularly rainy day, the volunteer opportunity for which I had signed up did not need me.  Since it was also the day of parent-teacher conferences at the big kids school I didn't want to go far.  I ended up at McDonald's with my book and a nice hot latte until it was time to return.

Picture day for the twins!!!

Eatran: On the go! (IYKYK)

A cute little ceramic mushroom in the greenery.

Happy to have all these little memories documented for another day.

later days

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