Tami's 41st Birthday

I had an amazing birthday this year! On Thursday night Emily and Grace made my cake, with no sprinkles!!! Emily shredded up a chocolate bar to use instead. = )

Billy took the cake picture, so you see the barely awake twins in the background. ; )  We broke out the "1" and "4" for the third time this year!

Surrounded by my favorite people!  They gave me some fancy (handmade) cards and an all-inclusive plant starter kit for the spring!!

After getting everyone off to school, I came back home to wait for Kristy, so that we could go get some coffee and go to a once-a-month sale at the State of Michigan warehouse!

I want to put out there, lest someone think poorly of me, that I didn't tell Kristy that it was my birthday, I was just happy to go out and spend the day with someone.  She, however, read on FB before she came, that it was my birthday and made my day super special!

At the ice cream store, she bought my pumpkin spice latte!  (I was also able to put a bug in the ear of one of the workers about maybe carrying eggnog flavoring for the Christmas season!)

We went straight to the state sale and both of us got some goodies!  One of the things I bought Grace was a Polaroid Go camera (think a tiny polaroid) because she'd asked for something similar for Christmas.  I ordered some film (for more than the camera cost) and it came in today (Sunday!)  Emily helped me try it out, before I gift Grace a broken camera for Christmas!

After that we went to the Mission thrift store, and both of us bought a handful of item. They are more of an upscale place, so the prices tend to be higher.

Then, it was back to the state sale because Billy actually wanted one of the tools they had.  And both of us bought a few more things!

Our next stop was Aldi, to get a couple of advent calendars (and several other things, because it's Aldi, of course!)

The final stop of the day was a flour mill!!!! It was the only thing that either of us found at the VOA, but she was excited for me and I was super excited, it was even the style that I wanted!  I really can't wait to make flour next year!  My mom found me a dehydrator, and now with the mill, and the grinder, I have all the components!!!

Oh, but to digress a bit, Kristy also bought this for me as a birthday gift!  She got to use her veteran discount, which brought down the price closer to $4, which is even more of a steal!!!  I was so excited.  I tried it out on some table salt when we got back to the house, and it totally made the salt into a powder. = )  Not to mention how pretty it is!

For dinner, I got the kids McDonalds, since the big girls are now in robotics Th/F with the upcoming competition this Saturday. (Alice had to be bribed.)  Sarah came over to hang out with the crew, while Billy took me to Ukai, the adult party headquarters of Lansing!

I had no idea that it would be so popular, but someone at our table was celebrating, and a few of the PTO ladies that I know were celebrating two of their relations too!!

It had been a long time since we'd had hibachi prepared food, and it was marvelous!  The restaurant was really, really cold though, so I had on my jacket, and absolutely took advantage of their complimentary green tea!

 It was a very happy birthday indeed!  Thank you everyone for making me feel so loved and spoiled!

later days

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