William's 11th Birthday and Last Night as a 10-year-old Pictures

The pictures here might look out of order, but this is how it really happened!

Since all of the girls had robotics obligations on his actual birthday, William graciously agreed to let us celebrate him a day early!

So, on Friday, November 10th, we sang happy birthday and enjoyed William's 11th birthday cake for breakfast! = )

He got to pick one present to open before school, but had to wait until after school to open the rest of the pile.

That night, we took his last night as a 10-year-old pictures!

We did our best to celebrate him as much as possible the next day, though I personally saw him very little. Billy took him to McDonald's on their way to the robotics competition in Battle Creek and he got his 'big' gift of a Roblox gift card on his actual birthday, which was kind of exciting for him I think!

I'm so happy that this little boy is mine! Happiest of birthdays to my favorite little boy in the entire world!

later days

you can check out his birthday party here. and his invitations here. and his survey answers here.

If you want to see how much he changed in a year, you can see his last birthday here!

edit: backdated for continuity 12-24-23

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