William 11 years old Party Invitations!

William was very certain, when I asked him where he would like to party for his birthday this year, that he wanted to go to Defy!

Initially, I printed the invitations that they provide when you make the reservation, but I was not impressed with how they printed.  I kept them, lest I find no time to improve them, but was still not super happy.

Inspiration came upon me fast, and I was able to take the empty boxes from one of the kids' medicine and paint it up!

After allowing all the sides to dry, I added some white sticker cut outs, and bright green vinyl to the top.  On the inside, I flipped over the medicine foam, and added a 'pop up' sticker with William jumping.

The pertinent information was just a sticker on the top, with a logo sticker for quick identification.

I finished them before Halloween, but wouldn't let him pass them out until my birthday (too early and people forget!)

 He is one excited boy, I hope his birthday is everything he wants!

later days

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