Minecraft Lego Advent Calendar Instructions Day 1

After last year's well received homemade calendar, the big kids wanted in on the fun too!

When I found a pack of Minecraft themed toys, I had a great start on the calendar, but decided to beef it up a bit by pulling pieces from our collection*.

I wanted a book for each child, with a new building instruction each day, but instead of printing out the pictures, my blog gets to hold each day!  I've already scheduled each post to publish at midnight, so no peeking ahead!

Some days are simple, and some days are more complex.  And since I took over 300 pictures, not all the pictures came out as perfect as I would have liked, but I am so happy to have it done and ready for December 1st!!! = )

So, here are the day one instructions!  Everyone started with a medium green base.






later days

*the twins have played with the legos at least twice since I pulled out all the green and brown ones.  And if they've noticed, they haven't said anything, so that just tells me that they aren't missed much!

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