Alice is in Driver's Ed!!!

Alice's driver's ed schedule was so rigorous, I'm still recovering from it a month later (I mean I'm still tired, but it's not just from that.... lol)

The schedule started the week after her school ended, but the school at which she attended was still in session.  So, it was from 3-5pm the first week.  She had a bit of homework, which we contentiously completed each day.

During the first week, Avia was still in town, and took EGJ somewhere fun.  Since it was a long chunk of time, William had to come with me.  He got to pick something fun after we finished our 'chores.' His selection was the newly opened (moved and improved) ZapZone.  We had a $10 gift card, and he got $10 to spend, for a total of $20!

After perusing his options (he really wanted to do the wreck room, but you have to be 13) he chose the trampolines!  The thirty minutes flew by, and that was the only activity we had time for.  Surprisingly, I ran into Natalie and Steve there, on their anniversary date!!! = )  We were on our way out, but it reinforced just how small of a town Lansing is!

The next day, Emily was able to stay home with the younger ones, and I went to check out a park that I had designs on bringing the twins to the following week.  

I snapped a picture of a branch that we "saw in Dimondale" a few hours earlier.  Technically I saw several go by, but this one might have been the one that we saw!

Lilly pads!


The park has some cool musical installations!

And a really pretty view of the Watertower!

The next week, Alice's class was in a new location, and at a much earlier time.  She had class from 10-12 each morning, and we finally got her driving schedule.  This was, quite annoyingly, from 3-5 Tu,Th, F.  So, we were driving to Grand Ledge twice a day, for two hour blocks, 14 times those weeks!

When Billy worked from home, the twins could stay home, but between EW summer camp and Billy having to go into the office, the twins ended up in Grand Ledge many times with me!

One of our days was spent at the library.  We were early for their opening time, but luckily, they had an activity walk outside!

We brought kitty litter and pet food for the pet drive they had going.  The kitty litter was heavy, so we borrowed William's mini skateboard.

One of the activities was decorating a CD with your 'plans for summer.'  Grace and Juliet spent some quality time on their additions.

Their summer reading program was underway (they are not our local library, and while we might have been able to sign up for it, I felt overwhelmed and not willing to sign up for a second summer reading library program.)  But, my babies enjoyed the props for about 2 minutes, before it was time to actually find books!

Thanks to their awesome teacher, they were able to independently read for almost 45 minutes (which means I also got to read my book!!!)  

The next day we found a local "meet up and eat up" at a church.  They had VBS props set up, which was quite exciting for the twins, but I was unwilling to drive to Grand Ledge any more than I already was.

They were really cool props though!

Another fun excursion saw us visiting a local bakery to get a Hello Kitty cookie (that made it across my facebook feed since I was spending so.much.time. in Grand Ledge.)  They were really good cookies!

We returned to the park/splash pad that I scouted the week previously.  My babies were hands down the oldest and tallest visitors to the splash pad when we went!  It was a wonderfully hot and sunny day, and they enjoyed their time.

On a subsequent visit, we had a weather day, where my phone told me to seek shelter.  I had planned on spending the two hours in my car, listening to my boo, but ended up back at the library where I'd previously seen a tornado shelter sign.  Alice and her partner and teacher ended up taking shelter at the mall.  When they lifted the warning, they had time to make up.

As a repercussion of the storm the previous evening,  Billy's company ended up without power the following day.  So, he had to go in at regular time to pick up his computer, and I went with him so that we could have a breakfast date!  

Later in the day, Emily was positively impacted, since Billy was home, she could come with me on my afternoon errands while waiting on Alice.  We saw the BJs inventory robot!  (Since I almost exclusively use curbside pickup, this was the first time I'd seen it!)

We were collecting camping supplies, and since McDonalds was within walking distance of Meijer, she talked me into a slushie. = )

I think the final week saw me sitting at a park, with a view of the Grand River, listening to my book. It was chilly enough that I had to close my windows in the shade.

Later in the week, we met up with Grace's BFF Zoey at the splash pad again.  It was much colder, so they moved over to the playground pretty quickly.  This particular trip, they brought buckets and were no longer the oldest or tallest (including Zoey! = ))

When they were finished with the playground, we revisited the bakery and got some new treats to share!

On the day of Alice's final, we completed our final 'errand' which was to get new school shoes for Grace and Juliet.  They picked out tie shoes, and Juliet mastered shoe tying in five minutes. lol.

I think they tried on every pair of shoes they could, but ended up with matching shoes, so that they could twin, without their shoes giving them away. 

Even after her final, which she totally passed, Alice had two driving sessions left, but Friday, after her last drive, she was all smiles!

Sadly, the SOS is not open on Saturdays, so we had to wait until our return from Jellystone to go apply for her permit, but as of today (7/19/24) she has her official, laminated, permit!!!

Now, we have 50 hours of driving to complete, but haven't had much opportunity, since we are using only Billy's car for her practice.  We'll get there though!

later days

edit 7-19-24: backdated for continuity, to the date of Alice's final exam.

EW Summer Camp

For the first three weeks of their summer, Emily and William went to a summer camp sponsored by their school!  They were on the bus only about 30 minutes later than during the school year, but the stakes were low, as there were no repercussions if they missed.  And I'd rather oversleep summer camp than Alice's driving school!  Fortunately, we didn't miss any of it.

Day one!

They pained some really cute art during week 2!  We kept Emily's because it was so cute!  Each week was themed, and this was from nature week. 

William's was more abstract, but I still wanted a picture of it!

During the last week, they went on a field trip to Funtyme, where we had just gone a few weeks before.

Last day of Summer camp!

They finished up the same week that Alice finished up driving school, so right before our camping trip.  Grace and Juliet had to come with me on Wednesdays and Thursdays, since Billy, Alice and Emily were all out of the house too.  You can read more about what we did here.

Next year, Emily will be in band camp, and the twins will still be at their old school, so it will only be William, if he chooses to go!

later days

edit 7-21-24: backdated for continuity.

Scooby Doo Day

While my mom was in town, I had her pull up Scooby Doo Day, Murder Mystery Party, and Mutti-free towels and stuff from Sarah's basement.

Alice was in driving school, so we were making once or twice daily trips to Grand Ledge, and camping was coming up at the end of the week, so the house was in preparation mode.   What this meant was I didn't really feel like celebrating it this summer, because I felt swamped, but did the minimum, in hopes of feeling it more next summer!

That said, I had the mask out to use the following morning, but my crew just could not wait, so these were actually take on Scooby Doo Day eve. lol.  In order pictures are AEWGJ.

I liked the individual pictures so much, that I made a collage!  lol.

There was so much to do that we didn't sit down and watch Scooby Doo together this year, but I did make dog bone sandwiches and we had Scooby gummies.

We are still missing the Fred bobble head, if anyone happens to see him, please let me know, I'll reimburse you! (up to $5, so don't pay more than that, because I'm thrifty.)

Our collection!  Sadly, when I pulled out the murder mystery tub, I found another bag of Scooby stuff that got mixed in. = (  So, we do have a few other fun things that didn't go out this year.

William wore the costume for a while, but I had him take off the head (and hood) while we took our picture. = )

Happy Scooby Doo Day World!

later days

edit 7-21-24: backdated for continuity.

78 Michigan Parks: Pinckney State Recreation Area #70b and A Quick Trip to the Dentist

Just before the school year ended, Juliet felt something that she thought was a filling come off of her tooth, and could feel a hole.  She wasn't in any pain, but I called down to her dentist to get her an appointment.  First available wasn't for a few weeks, but I took it.

It must have been a Monday or Tuesday, because William didn't want to come, but Alice did! Billy must have been home^, because I wouldn't have left William alone for the hours we were going to be gone.

We arrived almost an hour early (the roads in and around Ann Arbor are in constant construction this time of year) and I was so glad we did.  There was no parking.  None.  We circled and circled, went down below and had no way to turn around, because the "turn around" spot was just a single spot, and in my big ole car, that's not helpful!  Luckily, the person next to the turn around spot was leaving, so we had the tiniest bit of space to work with, and with the help of a stranger helping me get closer to a car than I would alone, got out.  (I absolutely was not taking the recently vacated spot, as I'd never get out!)  But there was still no parking.  

I was really glad we had so much time, because it was stressful, and we had time!  Finally, I gave up, and returned to the parking garage that we were diverted to one time when they were resurfacing the dental school parking structure.  Our luck continued, in that a construction crew had just finished for the day and were all leaving the spots in their trucks!!!  So, we had our choice of spots, and still made it to the appointment with time to spare.

The three girls that didn't have an appointment enjoyed their lunch in the atrium, while Juliet and I went to the appointment.

Her appointment was short, and was good news: there was no lost cavity, possibly just some buildup that came loose!  So, now flossing is now a joint Mutti/Juliet responsibility, to prevent future false alarms!

The appointment finished, we took a bit to walk around the UofM campus.

It was really warm (like 90+) so the spray from the fountain felt really good!

Back in the parking garage, Alice and Grace chose to take the stairs instead of the elevator, but this turned out to be a mistake, as they weren't able to come down the way they'd gone up.  Emily and Juliet went after them, thinking they were just being slow, and they also disappeared.  If I learned anything in girl scouts, it's stay where they last saw you, so there I stood, with four missing children and no cell service.  sigh. At least they were in pairs?

Alce and Grace made it down first, and they were then confined to the car (which was in my line of sight, and had the windows down.)  Finally, Emily and Juliet reappeared, they had the same issue as Alice and Grace, ended up in the wrong elevator, but finally figured it out. Once everyone was accounted for, we were able to leave!

On our way to adventure we ended up stuck in stop and go traffic on HWY 23, so Billy helped us find a different state park to add to our list.  Emily was my navigator, and photographer on this "Natural Beauty Road."  It's a dirt road in Washtenaw County, and it is pretty, but I like the area around Gull Lake in Kalamazoo County better.

Under Emily's directions, we made it!!!  It was the busiest entrance to a state park I'd experienced!!!  Usually when we stop for these pictures, we see a car or two, but not a dozen!

Changed and sprayed!  This was the first time this summer the kids were in swimsuits, and three of them requested new ones.

Considering the number of people at the park, there were lots of geese**!  They also got really close to me in my chair.

We had a long drive ahead of us, so we only spent an hour or so there, but they had a good time.  I was sweaty and sticky in my chair, but the edge of the lake was down from the grassy area, and so it would have been hard to sit on the edge with my feet in the water (and not pitch myself face first into the lake. lol.)

It was a really pretty park, and there were tons of people in large groups!  Plenty of parking, which was really nice.  They also had a shop, but we brought our own food, so I couldn't tell you what fare they served, but probably beach favorites and ice cream.  I know for sure they offered floatation rentals though! 

I love exploring our adopted state with my dear ones.

later days

If you want to see all the ones we've visited so far, here are the links to the posts:
Tahquamenon Falls #15
Keith J Charters #33

*this post marks the start of the project, and as such, has information about what I hope to accomplish!

**there were two small boys who were chasing the ducks, unrelated as far as I could tell, one of whom was shooting water at them.  I was not upset with the boys, because they were quite young, but their minders needed to be reprimanding them.  I could not believe they were letting them be so cruel to the animals!  But then in the water I saw a grown man splash water at the group as they were swimming by, so I guess people are just rude in this area of the state.  As pretty as the park was, these happenings left a bad taste in my mouth, and I have no desire to return to this park.

^in a particularly sad twist, Avia was actually in the state, but had her own appointment at close to the same time, so she wasn't able to go with us.  We particularly missed her this time!

edit 7-21-24: backdated for continuity.