Fallout Watch Party Crafts, So Far

Billy is quite excited for the premier of the Fallout Series that Amazon is putting out in April.  I am excited about a reason to party!  I enjoyed playing Fallout 76 with him a few years ago, the environment, despite being post-apocalyptic, is quite enjoyable.

The fun part of most parties is the decor, so I've started creating some themed items to set out around the party, as well as planning our costumes.

I spied the blue tumblers from across the thrift store and knew I had to have them, especially at only 45cents a piece!  The pitcher was a Kalamazoo rummage sale find!

The vinyl came out too cute!  And our guests will be able to take these home with them if they so choose, or they will donated for some other nerd to find! = )

My next craft was to add out 'vault' number to another rummage sale find: a bright blue polo!  We decided on 82 since it's not assigned to anywhere yet, and it the year we were both born. = )

And, after the party, it can also make a nerd happy. lol.

My most time-consuming craft so far is making some nuka cola caps!  In the inspiration post that I read, she spray painted them red, then printed out some stickers to add to the top.  Well, I didn't have any red spray paint, and my cutter is different from hers, so I just used some vinyl.

3 coats of acrylic paint transformed some used bottle caps into a lovely red canvas.

My machine does not like to cut small things, so these 10 caps took me almost an hour to label!

The vinyl looked pretty good, but on several appliques I lost some letters, so used the negative outline to paint the lettering with white paint.  By the last one, I was a pro and it looked almost as good as the vinyl!

Thankfully, the setting is mostly a wasteland, so the messy lettering is no big deal!

My final craft, so far, comes from one of my favorite parts of playing 76 with Billy: finding plungers!  Whenever one of us would find a plunger, we'd announce "plunger!"  It was utterly ridiculous, and so much fun. lol.

So, William and I snagged 3 plungers from the dollar tree.  We will 'hide' them for our guests to find.  Each one has a prize (that is more than wood & rubber for their inventory!)

The first prize is a bag of rolos, the second prize is a five dollar bill, and the final prize is mac and cheese themed socks (blue & yellow!)

Considering the party is still over two weeks away, I sure am excited about it!

later days

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