Easter 2024

Easter this year was damp, but not too rainy.  It was on the cold side without the sun though!

My Easter dress selection this year was on point, as three of the four girls have re-worn them to school and on other occasions!

Hunting for eggs in the backyard!

Emily, Grace, and Juliet helped me sort, count, and fill the eggs the night before so that everyone could have the same number to hunt!

Their filled buckets!

Emily wanted to know how much the cookies were.  They were over a dollar a piece!  But I liked that they came in a pack of five. = )

Grace drinking her milk out of a chocolate egg!

 After the at home hunt Billy took the twins to their final egg hunt! (Their birthday falls before Easter next year, so they'll have aged out!*)

Then we ate lunch when they came back. = )  This is actually the picture I sent to my sister offering leftovers, though she is always invited to join us while it's fresh!

It was a pleasant day to think about what a wonderful gift we've been given by Jesus!

later days

*I realize that no one would actually care if I sent them next year, especially since it's a matter of just a few days, but I think we are happy to be done with that chapter!

edit 5-25-24: backdated for continuity.

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