17th Anniversary - English Inn: Holmes and Watson: The Game of the Evening's Mourning

This iteration of the murder mysteries held at the English Inn just happened to coincide with our 17th anniversary!  Sarah sweetly offered to watch the kids overnight so that we could stay the night after the event, then passed the commitment off to Avia when she returned. It was an extra challenging weekend, since it also coincided with the time change!

The weather had returned to it's usual miserable March cold, and we were staying in a totally different room than our previous visits!

Once we got settled in, we went to the pub to wait until the venue opened.

We were joined by the Olmsteds at the Sherlock and Watson table.  It was awesome to have people that we actually knew at our table!  I hope they had fun too!

The namesakes were not present often, and neither Billy nor I guessed the actor that would play Sherlock!

I spent months on my costume.  Sadly, not nearly as many people dressed up for this theme.

The props were awesome, as were our tablemates!  Thanks to the observation of one of our table mates were able to crack the case before the end of the lines!

As soon as our prime suspect revealed that he had a pet snake, and we confirmed that it was indeed a venomous rattlesnake, I felt extremely confident in our answer, and kept our paper in the air for the duration of the "speed round" since the first time we missed out on accolades because we were too slow!

We got every question correct!  It was really fun, and I totally felt like a celebrity with all of the people who came to congratulate our table! = )

As far as anniversaries go, this has to be in the top 5!  Sadly, they did not announce the next theme as they usually do, leading me to believe that they may be moving venues, or worse, disbanding! = ( Hopefully they are just renegotiating with the English Inn!  It is ideal for us, being just down the road, but we would probably follow them to a new outlet!

For gifts, Billy got me the Murder, She Wrote boxed set!  His gift was an evening out at Nico's = )

I kept having to check my math, because 17 seemed much too high of a number, but the math doesn't lie! Here's to many, many more!

later days

Previous Anniversary celebrations:

16th Anniversary - Nico's
15th Anniversary- Etran Adventure
14th Anniversary- Ann Arbor
13th Anniversary- The trip that wasn't
12th Anniversary - Toledo
11th Anniversary - St. Louis
10th Anniversary - Fish Grille, Waxahachie
9th Anniversary - Ft. Worth
8th Anniversary - Arby's
7th Anniversary - Hookah bar
6th Anniversary - Thai Chili
5th Anniversary - Carino's - Waxahachie
4th Anniversary - Flemming's Steakhouse @ City Centre
3rd Anniversary - Dinner Movie Theater
2nd Anniversary - Le Mistral
1st Anniversary - Paris

edited 3-28-24: backdated for continuity. 

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