Emily's 13th Birthday!!!

Emily's latest birthday means we officially have two teenagers in the house!!!!  I can't believe that we've had 13 wonderful years with this sweet, extraordinary girl!!!

One last photo session as a 12 year old!!

Emily's birthday fell on a weekend this year, so the sun was already up when we enjoyed birthday cake for breakfast!

After enjoying some cake, she opened all of her gifts.  Only one of which was surprise, because Emily hate's surprises and deduced all of her gifts except for one!  She did say that her favorite gift was a full-sized bottle of her perfume, Estee Lauder's Beautiful Magnolia, with special charms!

Emily opened her gift, that came in the mail, from the Helterbrands before even getting out of the car. She was really pleased. = )

We sure love our Emily and are so happy she's part of our family. <3

later days

edited 3-28-24: backdated for continuity.

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