Emily Answers Her Birthday Survey: 13 years-old

It's still March, though it's the end, but I'm finally getting the blog up to date, which includes Emily's birthday survey!!

I am 13.07 years old.

My favorite color is: purple
The coolest person on earth is: Mutti
The thing I do best is: Listen and Learn
If I could change my name, it would be: Emily
My favorite toy is: The ball I got for free at school
When I grow up, I want to be: Engineer or some kind of surgeon probably
I like to watch: Shows on Netflix and Disney+
My favorite song is: Idk
My favorite book is: Idk
3 words to describe me are: Happy, loving, kind, Emily, rebel heheheheheheh <-- that's 5 words
When I was little, I used to: put on the same falling apart purple skirt every day
My favorite season is: Summer
The food I like most is: Potatoes, Egg fried rice, quesadillas
One food I really don't like is: straight olives
My best friend is: Abby
For my birthday I want to: go ice skating (done! yay!)
My best memory is: Doing acro with Abby

later days

You can check out her answers from last year here.

edit 3-29-24: backdated for continuity. 

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