Emily's Optimist Award, Year 2!

Emily was given the optimist award for a second consecutive year!   Sadly, Billy was sick this year, and stayed home, so it was just the two of us.

She was nominated by a different teacher: Ms. Pung! Sadly, she was not able to be there, so she was greeted by a different teacher from their school.  

Once again, our state representative was there, which is such a considerate thing in my opinion!  I can only imagine how many ceremonies she has to decline each year!

The speaker indicated to us that should there be a misspelling, we should find him to get a replacement certificate.  In a crazy mishap (the teacher accidentally emailing her sister's name) the optimist award ended up having Alice's name on it instead of Emily's. lol.  All of the other documents were correct, as was the program and the speaker's notes, just the signed state of Michigan form. lol.  

She's due to get a replacement soon, hopefully this one will have her name on it!  

We sure are proud of our Emily!  May she always be an optimist! = )

later days

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