Easter 2024

Easter this year was damp, but not too rainy.  It was on the cold side without the sun though!

My Easter dress selection this year was on point, as three of the four girls have re-worn them to school and on other occasions!

Hunting for eggs in the backyard!

Emily, Grace, and Juliet helped me sort, count, and fill the eggs the night before so that everyone could have the same number to hunt!

Their filled buckets!

Emily wanted to know how much the cookies were.  They were over a dollar a piece!  But I liked that they came in a pack of five. = )

Grace drinking her milk out of a chocolate egg!

 After the at home hunt Billy took the twins to their final egg hunt! (Their birthday falls before Easter next year, so they'll have aged out!*)

Then we ate lunch when they came back. = )  This is actually the picture I sent to my sister offering leftovers, though she is always invited to join us while it's fresh!

It was a pleasant day to think about what a wonderful gift we've been given by Jesus!

later days

*I realize that no one would actually care if I sent them next year, especially since it's a matter of just a few days, but I think we are happy to be done with that chapter!

edit 5-25-24: backdated for continuity.


We've had lovely temperatures, for a good part of the month.  But on the first day of spring break, which landed on Friday for the twins, we saw significant snowfall!  

Our snow gauge was pushed into a corner, but the front gives a good indication of how much snow we got!  It was enough that we did have to spend some time clearing the sidewalks and driveway.

Later in the day Heleena came over to build with the girls.

Their structure caved in, so they ended up just burying Juliet in the snow. lol.

 It was a thick, but wet, snow so it had cleared off the roads and sidewalks by the next day.

Here's hoping that's the last we see of it for the year!

later says

School Spirit Days

As part of reading month, the grades were put in competition with one another to see who could read the most minutes!  Grace and her Friend Luna checked out the same books from the library so that they could read together via video call!  And, at the end of the month, the fourth graders were the best read!

There were events during the month, like pajama day, but the favorite for the twins was creating their duckling and pigeon masks.

Juliet made Grace (the duckling) a cookie that looked a lot like the book version. = )

On the morning of, they looked pretty good! = )

William was the only one of the big kids who dressed up for vacation day, because the newsletter that came home was confusing since it was for both high school and middle school, which is unusual.  Emily actually stayed home one of the days because she wasn't feeling well.

There were two travel days, so on day two William dressed up as a skier! 

 Nothing quite like spirit days for my crew to get creative, at the very last minute! ; )

later days

Other Fun or Mildly Interesting Parts of Our Lives

These are the pictures that don't have a place in other posts, but I would like to remember later. = )

I saw some ducks hanging out in a parking lot, but as soon as I pulled up and stopped, they decided to move.  It was wet and cold, after a warm spell.

Haley send me some adorable Texas Tech earrings!

After their last ophthalmology appointment, Grace and Juliet decided to get matching glasses.  They match in color, but Grace's are Hello Kitty, as they usually are.

The next day, they were delighted to 'twin' to the max! (J-G)


This day just happened to coincide with their parent teacher conference.  This year the time I picked was held in the afternoon, since they had a half day.  Sadly, the big kids didn't, so the twins had to come and entertain themselves while I discussed their progress and future and how dare I let them get matching glasses with their teacher.

Juliet wrote the next days' schedule out for their teacher, which he sportingly left, so that their classmates could see it.  The new (real) schedule was written right next to the fun fun fun day. = )

When we arrived home, Grace made some fresh orange juice!

I pulled out the leftover flowers from Alice's party to make Emily's bouquet, and Grace 'planted' them in our flower beds.  They looked pretty, but I didn't want them ruined by being exposed to the elements, so she took them out a day or two later.

There was a half bubble in the milk lid!

Avia came back!!!

Having the four of them in there was quieter, but probably not within the workspace!

William's defensive position atop the stairs.

When the weather was reaching 70F, we walked home.  Grace found a clover, though not the four leaf one she was searching for.

They had the playground to themselves for about 10 minutes, then the afterschool group came out to play on a truly beautiful day!  We only stayed another five minutes, since we were expecting the big kids soon.

And early blooming flower caught our attention on the way home.

Kristy (Zoey's mom) has been keeping us stocked in eggs this year!  We sure are enjoying the fresh eggs. = )

I failed to put out the St Patrick's day 'goodies' the night before, but I had them out by the time the girls and Avia got back from church.  They picked up some festive cookies on the way home too!

One of my main goals during spring break was to get the kids' passports made.  The picture portion took forever, because the criteria requires a 'neutral' expression, so naturally that cause fits of giggles and broad smiles.  We finally got some expressions that makes most of them look wildly unhappy.

The lady at the office was really helpful and super nice.  The kids were pretty well behaved, but 40 minutes is a long time to be patient.  They drew for a while, and were then offered lollipops toward the end of our process.

In one area I accidentally put my birthday instead of each child's, so I had to redo each of the 5 pages, which took longer than the original, since I was able to run a copy of the common information the first time. = (

Her's hoping that a trip to Canada is in our future!

At the rummage sale in Kalamazoo, Emily and I grabbed some inflatable pool floats for her to help land while she's practicing her acro moves.  She used one of them outside for a few days, but when she blew up the other one, it became a favorite hangout for the twins.  It didn't' take long for William to decide the inevitable: to use it to sled down the stairs. = 0

I had to give him and ultimatum: if he ended up in the ER by sledding down the stairs, he was forfeiting his electronic time for the remainder of his break.  This has mostly dissuaded him, but every now and again I'll hear the thumps on the stairs.

In the fall, I missed William's well visit, so we had a catch-up appointment during spring break.  He got full marks and three shots! 

Just before spring break, I got to be a 'mystery reader' in the twins' class.  We were to give three clues, so my clues were: I have brown hair, My favorite travel destination is Berlin (on this one the twins cornered me and I had to feign ignorance) and my all time favorite television show is M*A*S*H.  These clues apparently applied to more than one adult in the lives of the fourth graders, but the twins were pleased to see me, inf not a bit incredulous with my previous denial.

I decided to read a book that hit on several of my interests: A book about twins in Fredericksburg, TX, written in English and German!

One of the only foods explicitly mentioned was squirrel stew, and I decided to forgo that, but instead made some Käsebrötchen (cheese rolls) because it sounds impressively German and has two sets of umlauts. (Then I proceeded to misspell it when I wrote it on the board (I missed the C) = ( !)

 A picture shamelessly stolen from the class facebook page.

It's been a good month, with some nice weather!  Here's hoping that the return from spring break is just as fun!

later days