Temperature Record 2023

 A new year, a new list of daily temperatures!


1st- 44F cold, but still, so not the worst walk from the back corner of the parking lot into church.

2nd- 42F a very cold and foggy day, no wind though.

3rd- 43F rainy and dreary all day 

4th- 44F cold and foggy. 

5th- 38F rainy and a snow mix, all day.

6th- 36F still rainy, but less rain and more snow for a shopping day with Sarah.

7th-34F cold with a mild breeze.

8th- 31F cold but mostly still.

9th- 40F cold, but the sun peeked out and it was exciting.

10th- 37F cold, and a bit of snow/sleet, but no accumulation.

11th- 43F a little rain in the morning, but a sunny afternoon.

12th- 36F cold, grey, dreary.

13th- 31F cold, dry cold snow, but very little accumulation, not enough to affect the road conditions in any case.

14th- 31F cold, bit sunny!!

15th- 39F cold, but still and sunny.

16th- 40F cold and breezy. Rain as the sun set.

17th- 44F a humid and seasonally warm morning, but the wind came in and cooled us back down.

18th- 38F cold, a light breeze and wet, but not rainy, somehow.

19th- 44F cold and rainy. I'm thankful for the rain, since it's been so dry, and thankful too that's it's warm enough to just be rain and not snow.

20th- 36F rainy, cold and drizzly morning, but the sun shone just a bit in the afternoon.

21st- 33F cold,  no rain but expecting a little snow tomorrow.

22nd- 33F cold and a little snow accumulation.

23rd- 30F cold and icy morning, a clearer, still cold afternoon for our Grand Rapids trip.

24th- 38F it was sunny, like real sun, at least for a portion of the day!

25th- 33F we woke up to a phone call that they had called a snow day for the big girls, sadly, the little ones still had to go, but the roads within the village were not terrible during drop off.

26th- 32F no snow day for anyone, but plenty of overnight snow. The primary and secondary roads were pretty good, but the tertiary roads hadn't been salted very well. The day ended with a break in the clouds and a little sunshine.

27th- 32F the high happened early in the day, and it just started getting colder and snowier as the day progressed.

28th- 28F a little overnight snow, but mild (cold) most of the day, then the start of overnight snow started around dinner time.

29th- 27F more overnight snow, but with all 7 of us clearing it away, it took very little time.

30th- 20F a few snow flurries today, but a sunny enough afternoon for wearing sunglasses!!

31st- 17F was the high today, and it was -1F when we went to the car this morning! But, the skies were blue and we had both a beautiful sunrise and a beautiful sunset.


1st- 24F a cold, but very sunny day!

2nd- 32F a cold, but sunny day. Another beautiful sunrise.

3rd- 12F a cold, less sunny, but much windier day.

4th- 31F Warmer, by a lot, than yesterday, but cold and windy. Sunny too!

5th-30F cold, clear day.

6th- 35F cold and dreary. I heard on the radio today that the first Monday in February is the most likely for workers to call in sick. A very sunny afternoon and we hit the high!

7th- 38F warm enough to melt the snow, but no sunshine.

8th- 45F sunny and even warmer than yesterday!

9th- 52F expecting a high of 52F, but rain all day.

10th- 36F a wet cloudy morning, but the sunshine put up a good fight as the wind blew the clouds away, then back in.

11th- 45F sunny, but windy.

12th- 51F sunny, not as windy. They shot down a third "UFO" balloon today, this one was over lake Huron. (1st was in the Carolinas and the 2nd was over Alaska)

13th- 45F sunny, a little windy.

14th- 56F sunny again (my body doesn't know what to do with all this vitamin D!) Not very windy. There was a mass shooting at MSU last night, so WGJ didn't have school. It was a weird, sad, valentine's day, especially after being sick yesterday.

15th- 53F sadly, we hit the high in the morning, then it was just windy and rainy and colder the remainder of the day.

16th- 36F grey and expecting lots of snow from midday until tomorrow.

17th- 28F an icy morning, so the kids, who would have had school, had a snow day, and we all shovelled, except for Billy who had to drive to work on it. = ( The sun did come out in the afternoon, so between that and the salt his drive home was less slippery.

18th- 42F a cold morning, but sunny and no new precipitation.

19th- 50F cold, but sunny and still.

20th- 43F cold, but another mild day for late February.  The twins enjoyed an afternoon with Zoey.

21st- 31F not even above freezing today, and looking at warning for icy storm coming through tomorrow morning and into Thursday.

22nd- 31F school was cancelled (for Alice and Emily, as WGJ are currently on break,) despite no ice on the ground this morning, but midday we started getting accumulation, and anyone at Billy's company who could work from home, was sent home.

23rd- 46F which is quite a swing from yesterday's brutal cold, but it was an icy morning, and as such AE were issued and other snow day, and Billy was given leave to work from home as well.  The warm afternoon has done a good job of starting to melt the ice.

24th- 27F cold, so cold, but the ice is off the roads and sidewalks, with just a few slippery spots remaining.  We won't have any melting today between cloudy skies and low temps.

25th- 34F cold with a dusting of overnight snow, but a little watery sun in the afternoon.

26th- 43F cold, slight wind, but sunny and no precipitation.  Really the best we can expect this time of year.

27th- 37F was supposed to be our high, but with the pelting ice rain this morning, I am surprised that we made it that high. I couldn't even feel my fingers after loading the groceries this morning.

28th- 45F was a cold overcast morning, but the sun came out and warmed up the afternoon.


1st- 51F cold, but a sunny day!

2nd- 39F cold, a little sun, mostly cloudy and cool.  They said it was the "calm before the storm."  It's strange though, I declared winter over after the last storm, so I'm not sure what the weather is thinking.

3rd- a happy, snowy birthday for our Emily, well, snow at the end of the day, in abundance.

4th- 44F a snowy morning, but only in the shovelling, turned into a very pretty day for Emily's party. = )

5th- 48F a sunny day, melting more of the wild snow we got on Friday.

6th- 35F a slushy start to the day, but it dried out a little (at least on the raods), only to have rain in the afternoon.  Not particularly warm, and we're expecting more snow overnight. = /

7th- 43F A little ice overnight, made for slippery sidewalks, and some slippery spots on the roads, but we had a brilliant son by mid-afternoon!

8th- 43F sunny and pretty the day through, but still cold.

9th- 45F sunny and pretty and still, the calm before yet another snowstorm system, that is moving in tomorrow.

10th- 35F several inches of overnight snow, made for a snow day for all 5 of the kids, but a warm enough afternoon to clear the roads by evening. Billy and I spent our 16th anniversary at Nico's.

11th- 38F chilly, and mostly overcast, but no new snow.

12th- 36F it snowed most of the day, but just made things wet, not slippery. I am still annoyed by daylight savings time.

13th- 30F a cold, snowy, slick Monday after the time change... It was a brutal day with lots of snow, a glimpse of sunshine, then more snow as the temperature fell.

14th- 34F cold, but lots of sun.  A still morning, but the drive home from shopping looked like West Texas with drifts of snow, instead of dust.

15th- 44F sun and very little wind made for a good change from yesterday.

16th- 53F sun and warmth felt so nice!

17th- 48F was the high, unfortunately it was first thing this morning and it just got colder and windier all day.

18th- 24F cold, and at times sunny, and sometimes blindingly snowy 

19th- 37F a dusting of snow early this morning, but sunny and clear in the afternoon.

20th- 47F a little windy, but at least it was sunny.

21st- 52F a nice enough day, still some chill in the air, but a sunny start to spring.

22nd- 50F gray and cold, a reflection of the general mood in our family, with the loss of Seven.

23rd- 45F gray and rainy, but the sun came out as we arrived at Emily's optimist award ceremony.

24th- 46F sunny and cool, one final day of school for AE before spring break!!!! WGJ started their break today.

25th- 42F wet and cold and windy.

26th- 51F cold, but sunny and still, then a rainy afternoon.

27th- 45F cold, wet morning, but a sunny afternoon!

28th- 48F a sunny day, and warm enough to make me want to put away our outdoor winter Tools and get out the hose. Hope it doesn't snow again...

29th- 41F a little snow (my fault) but a sunny afternoon.

30th- 43F cold, but sunny. Today we did a group stick collection and burning.

31st- 59F is supposed to be the high, but not until midnight! Rainy morning, cloudy day.


1st- 40F a cold and wet start to April

2nd- 49F chilly, but a bit of sunshine.

3rd- 60F a very pretty morning and rainy afternoon.

4th- 55F a rainy day, with evening thunderstorms.

5th- 70F warm! But stormy and wet most of my day.

6th- 48F sunny, but a cold wind 

7th- 48F almost a perfect copy of yesterday.

8th- 56F a sunny and pretty day. The girls even broke out their bikes!

9th- 66F a beautiful Easter and birthday for the twins!!

10th- 67F it was a pretty, sunny day!

11th- 73F a warm day, especially getting the dirt into the garden!

12th- 79F another warm, sunny day!

13th- 80F sunny and warm!

14th- 82F another beautiful day!

15th- 83F our last of the pretty, sunny days until summer comes.

16th- 66F cold, wet. Our free trial of summer expired.

17th- 38F cold and snowy and quite unwelcome after the past week of beautiful temperatures.

18th- 46F cold and overcast and windy.

19th- 60F cold morning, but sunny, so the afternoon was not unpleasant.

20th- 78F but that's a misleading number, it was breezy and cool and rainy, so not warm at all.

21st- 57F cold and rainy, but a nice day at the museum with Grace and Juliet!

22nd- 48F cold, but not a bad day to be inside at chuck e cheese for the twins' birthday party!

23rd- 47F another cold, gray day.

24th- 47F a cold and snowy start to William's Field Trip week!

25th- 46F more cold and snow/rain for William, and today I was out there with him! = O

26th- 51F cold, but sunny and clear. Kind of felt like the weather was mocking me.

27th- 62F still chilly but sunny and clear! A pleasant time to attend William's Field Trip.

28th- 52F rainy most of the day (and glad I was rummage sale shopping instead of outside with William ; ))

29th- 64F warmer and sunnier than expected!

30th- 51F cold with a cold wind, but the sun peeked through the clouds a few times.


1st- 46F cold with a rainy overtone.

2nd- 43F cold and dreary.

3rd- 55F partly cloudy, but trending warmer!

4th- 61F warm enough for a light jacket!

5th- 71F sunny and fair, and everyone was outside today!

6th- 70F a pretty day, but we spent it inside playing board games. The kids went up to help Avia for church clean up day.

7th- 76F rainy morning, but turned into a pretty afternoon!

8th- 64F not as warm as we were expecting, and a little rainy, but not a super cold day!

9th- 70F sunny, clear and warm (well, at least the afternoon was.)

10th- 77F a beautiful, sunny day!

11th- 80F sunny and warm again!

12th- 80F a pretty day for a fun run!

13th- 69F overcast and a slight drizzle, but an overall good day to clean out the shed.

14th- 66F sunny and beautiful, a wonderful Mother's Day!

15th- 72F a sunny and warm afternoon, but a cold cold start to the day!

16th- 77F another pretty day.

17th- 61F a sunny, but chilly day. Spent time on foot, since they tore up the road to resurface it all along our street.

18th- 70F a nice day to spend at the park with William at his safety picnic!

19th- 72F an overcast day, with rain just in time to collect my professionally detailed car.

20th- 62F very cold, gloomy day, but Melony coming to visit with Alice was a bit of a bright spot.

21st- 76F a pretty day to weed the garden, and open my car doors to let my car finish drying.

22nd- 77F another warm, pretty day.

23rd- 79F sunny and warm, and I even got to spend time outside today with one of the classes at the big girls' school!

24th- 64F so cold and windy today. AND my poor plants are expecting another frost overnight!

25th- 73F a warm enough day.

26th- 76F a pretty, clear day.

27th- 79F a pretty day to visit the laingsburg festival. (Year two!)

28th- 78F a nice warm day to celebrate Jessica with a murder mystery party!

29th- 85F a pretty day for a memorial day parade!

30th- 89F a nice warm start to our week!

31st- 88F nice and warm day to finish out May!


1st- 90F nice and warm, but it's dry, so I've started to water the garden.

2nd- 90F a fun day to walk a neighborhood yard sale!

3rd- 80F pretty, warm and dry.

4th- 86F another beautiful day for a Horrocks date!

5th- 83F warm and sunny, but a low visibility day.

6th- 75F a little cooler than it's been!

7th- 74F another chilly day.

8th- 76F an uncomfortably chilly morning, but pleasant enough afternoon.

9th- 78F a warm, beautiful day for a field day!

10th- 83F a pretty day for gizzard fest!

11th- 65F rain!

12th- 65F cold and overcast.

13th- 69F sunny day, but wet and cold evening.

14th- 76F sunny and warm, beautiful day for the fourth grade celebration! And our first day of setting up until pool.

15th- 76F rainy morning, but cleared out in time for a summer party!

16th- 76F chilly, but a nice day for yard sales, if a little chilly 

17th- 80F a pretty day for early movie for A&E, and yard sales for Mutti,G,J,&Avia! Then a sleepover with Abby for Emily!

18th- 81F pretty and warm! Started watering my garden daily, again.

19th- 84F warm and pleasant.

20th- 86F warm and sunny.

21st- 87F warm for our first day of summer schedule!

22nd- 80F some clouds, so felt cooler than it has lately. Juliet helped me clean the porch siding while the big girls were at camp!

23rd- 83F still cooler than it's been, but sunny and dry.

24th- 85F sunny and warm for the olive burger festival!

25th- 83F a sunny warm morning, but a little bit of rain blew in in the afternoon!

26th- 69F a light rain the day through! Not the worst day to sleep through after having a tooth extracted.

27th- 77F but it was overcast and felt really cold.

28th- 80F warmer and brighter than yesterday, but smoke from the Canadian wildfires is clouding the sky.

29th- 87F a chilly, smokey, morning, that turned into a warm, smokey, afternoon.

30th- 90F a very warm day to set up a yard sale. Sunny, but still smokey.


1st- 84F warm and sunny for Emily's yard sale, rainy and stormy in the evening.

2nd- 76F rainy, but pleasant.

3rd- 84F sunny, but still smokey; no rain.

4th- 89F sunny and fair. The kids were delighted by the fireworks they could see from our front yard.

5th- 90F sunny and warm, a great day for me and Billy to explore Detroit.

6th- 80F despite the past two weeks calling for all day rain, we successfully saw our first Tiger's Baseball game! It did rain at the Garbage concert in the evening, luckily it was a covered venue.

7th- 81F a warm day to slowly meander home.

8th- 73F it was warm early in the day, but rained dropped the temperature fast!  

9th- 80F sunny and pretty.

10th- 88F sunny and pretty, WGJ started swim camp with Zoey this week 

11th- 85F sunny, pretty and warm 

12th- 78F Sunny morning, rainy afternoon.

13th- 76F rainy, overcast morning, sunny and warm afternoon.

14th- 78F- sunny, but a bout of rain in the morning.

15th- 77F a little sun, a little rain.

16th- 79F sunny, but pretty sure we got some overnight rain.

17th- 78F a pretty, but chilly and windy day, for the beach.

18th- 78F a very nice day!

19th- 82F a pretty day for painting and celebrating Avia's birthday!

20th- 81F a pretty morning, but a hail/rainstorm came through in the afternoon and knocked out power for a few hours.

21st- 80F a pretty sunny day to go out yard sale-ing!

22nd- 80F a sunny day, with a brief rain, while we were putting together the pergola.

23rd- 75F woke up to rain, then the sun came out, then another spurt of rain in the evening.

24th- 84F sunny and warm for day 1 of EGJ summer camp! A light shower when I picked them up.

25th- 86F sunny and fair.

26th- 80F sunny morning, stormy afternoon and evening.

27th- 88F sunny and warm!

28th- 86F and the rain stayed away until well into the night, after our murder mystery party!!

29th- 81F a warm pretty day to walk down to our neighbors for a party.

30th- 78F a pretty, sunny day!

31st- 78F sunny and warm, after a chilly night!


1st- 81F a pretty day to go to Ann Arbor, a state park, and be stranded at a rest stop with my dead car!

2nd- 83F a nice day, and I got my car back!

3rd- 86F warm and fair.

4th- 82F warm and sunny.

5th- 79F pretty and sunny, but I've taken to watering my garden again, since we've had no rain this week.

6th- 67F cold and rainy.

7th- 74F rainy morning, turned beautiful day, a great start to jellystone!

8th- 77F we spent a sunny and bright day enjoying jellystone!

9th- 78F a beautiful day at jellystone.

10th- 81F a sunny warm day, to mark our final full day at jellystone.

11th- 77F for our check out and drive home day. My tomatoes are finally red!

12th- 80F rain overnight, but a pretty day.

13th- 78F sunny and the day warmed up nicely!

14th- 77F sunny day, rainy evening for meet the teacher night for the twins!  

15th- 68F a cold rainy day, but Avia made it back!

16th- 80F a warm start to the twins' school year!

17th- 72F cold and rainy in the middle of the day. Sunny and cool morning and night.

18th- 73F chilly morning, but a sunny day for a hospital visit, then adventure!

19th- 79F a chilly, but sunny day to visit the Cornishes.

20th- 87F a pretty, warm day to celebrate our favorite Alice turning 14!

21st- 81F a nice day for the big kids to start school!

22nd- 76F cold this morning, but turned into a pretty, sunny day.

23rd- 90F sunny and really warm for Michigan!

24th- 87F a warm, humid day. Right at bed time a storm came through that downed trees and power lines!

25th- 83F not as warm, but a muggy day for cleaning up the aftermath of the storm.

26th- 73F a sunny, pretty day for Alice's birthday party!

27th- 72F chilly day! Played some Pokemon go, and saw the storm destruction first hand.

28th- 75F sunny, but a definite chill in the air!

29th- 74F we were expecting rain, but the clouds were empty.

30th- 70F cold. Already.

31st- 75F a c-o-l-d morning, sunny afternoon, but fall is here.


1st- 79F a pleasant day for a rummage sale and visit at Zoey's house!

2nd- 82F a pretty day to gather the first of the pumpkins from the garden.

3rd- 89F a nice warm Sunday before Labor Day.

4th- 88F a pretty, productive, labor day!

5th- 89F warm and sunny.

6th- 80F a little sun, a little rain, but we got back our Internet!

7th- 70F rainy off and on all day!

8th- 66F overcast and chilly, but no more precipitation.

9th- 70F sunny and fair.

10th- 68F cold and chilly, watery sunlight.

11th- (Deutschland) 83F warm and beautiful! Very hot inside stores.

12th- (D) 78F beautiful and sunny. Today I traveled to Berlin.

13th- (D) 71F a little rainy, but a pleasant day to walk around Berlin!

14th- (D) 70F mostly sunny and warm for my train ride back to Freudenstadt.

15th- (D) 74F a sunny and pretty "errand" day. Warm enough to enjoy an ice cream cone!

16th- (D) 74F pretty day to explore Freudenstadt with Billy!

17th- (D) 78F perfect weather for the trip to München and then to Neuschwanstein!

18th- (D) 68F cloudy and a little rainy at Oktoberfest, but still a good time!

19th- (D) 72F a sunny, pleasant day, though we spent most of it on the train, or so it seemed.

20th- 76F sunny and pleasant for our return to Michigan!

21st- 77F a warm, fair day.

22nd- 80F a very pretty!

23rd- 80F a warm day to start rearranging the porch furniture!

24th- 75F a pretty day to admire my garden, after a long absence, and have Alice's BFF Melony visit.

25th- 67F cool and a rainy afternoon. = ( it wasn't supposed to be rainy, so my spray paint might not take. 

26th- 71F a chilly day to curl up and read the latest CB Strike book.

27th- 64F a chilly, grey, rainy, long day.

28th- 65F cold, rainy and grey.

29th- 77F an overcast, but warm day, perfect for solving the murder of Neville Aster-Night!

30th- 76F sunny and pretty, and Emily beat her personal record at her cross country meet today!


1st- 79F sunny and pleasant!

2nd- 83F warm and pleasant day for grocery acquisition.

3rd- 86F warm and sunny, took a rest day, since evenings are in high demand this week!

4th- 80F the last of the warm pretty day. = (

5th- 64F rain all.day.long.

6th- 63F party cloudy and cold.

7th- 54F a cold day to start building raised bed number two!

8th- 53F another chilly day, but a good one to solve a masquerade mystery!

9th- 52F cold and windy but sunny.

10th- 48F cold and wet and overcast.

11th- 59F warm enough to winterize the outside.

12th- 60F chilly but mild sunlight for the twins' playdate with Heleena.

13th- 52F cold and rainy.

14th- 53F rainy and cloudy, so no eclipse views for us. = (

15th- 54F watery sun, but still a cold day.

16th- 53F a little sun, but cold.

17th- 54F some sun and some clouds, not as bad as it's been.

18th- 63F mostly sunny and slightly warm.

19th- 57F cloudy and wet and cold and a crazy day subbing.

20th- 53F cold and rainy and dreary, but at least it's Friday!

21st- 50F cold and rainy, but it cleared up in the evening for our trip to the Phantom's Feast with Kristy and David!

22nd- 50F not rainy, but cold and Emily shared her illness with me. = (

23rd- 57F chilly, but sunny.

24th- 74F a sunny, pleasant day for Billy to finish garden bed #2!

25th- 61F a rainy day, not much of a temperature swing.

26th- 69F rainy morning, but pleasant enough afternoon.

27th- 73F a cloudy morning, but a beautiful afternoon and evening to decorate a trunk during trunk or treat at Grace and Juliet's School!

28th- 51F chilly, but sunny. Not a terrible day for leaf raking.

29th- 47F cold, rain came in after dark.

30th- 40F cold, cold, cold.

31st- 38F a cold and snowy Halloween night.


1st- 38F a cold start to the month! I had to salt the stairs this morning!

2nd- 50F a cold day, but at least there was some sun!

3rd- 59F a cold, windy day. But pleasantly sunny for a morning of thrift store shopping with Kristy!

4th- 53F it looked like a nice enough day out, but I finally found the time/motivation to update my poor, neglected blog and spent the day on the computer 

5th- 54F chilly, but not the worst.

6th- 62F windy! Also sunny and cloudy and somewhere in between!

7th- 49F chilly and windy. An early morning with the Cornish kids.

8th- 45F cold and rainy day. All the kids feeling a little under the weather, after yesterday's shots.

9th- 54F cold, but sunny 

10th- 49F cold, really cold and windy. Spent today working on the Advent calendar.

11th- 46F a frosty, early start for the big girls bus, as all 4 girls had robotics tournaments today! William got to play on his computer most of the day, so I think he was pretty happy. = )

12th- 52F a cold morning, but mostly sunny. Found the key piece of our murder mystery party decor today!

13th- 59F cold most of the day, though sunny. Really warm in the classroom.

14th- 56F chilly morning, sunny day. A long drive for no news from the doctor.

15th- 64F frosty morning, but the sunshine turned it into a pretty afternoon.

16th- 65F still chilly in the morning, but a pretty day!

17th- 44F cold.

18th- 49F sunny, but cold.

19th- 49F sunny, cold, but a nice day for the tree lighting and Enisi and Edudi to visit!

20th- 41F cold day for an Ann Arbor trip.

21st- 46F cold, rainy day, but we enjoyed celebrating our family Thanksgiving today!

22nd- 43F cold, a little sun.

23rd- 45F a cold day to decorate for Christmas! 

24th- 32F cold day for thrift store shopping.

25th- 35F cold day, but we spent it relaxing indoors.

26th- 33F cold with sticky snow!

27th- 26F so bitterly cold, and snow all day. (But not anywhere near enough for a snow day.)

28th- 28F cold, but sunny.

29th- 34F glad to get above freezing, but so so cold.

30th- 51F the tiniest reprieve at the end of November, and it was sunny too!


1st- 39F rain all day long. Busy day of church sales, William orthodontist visit, and concession stand volunteer for the basketball games.

2nd- 38F a cold day for a night parade.

3rd- 40F cold, rainy, and dark.

4th- 38F cold, watery sunlight most of the day.

5th- 38F cold and rainy!

6th- 38F a cold Nikolausstiefel, with snowflakes trickling down here and there the entire day.

7th- 47F cold, some sun, not too windy.

8th- 53F cold, but sunny and warmer than it's been.

9th- 58F rainy morning. Spent the day inside tackling big projects.

10th- 39F back to colder again 

11th- 34F cold and watery sunlight for my implant surgery.

12th- 37F cold and a strong wind.

13th- 37F cold, but sunny.

14th- 50F cold, and took forever to warm up.

15th- 56F cold, but pleasant enough for mid-December!

16th- 48F cold and a little cloudy.

17th- 46F cold and rainy and grey.

18th- 31F cold and snowy.

19th- 33F cold, but the sun came out!

20th- 40F cold, but a pretty day for a moms party!

21st- 41F still cold.

22nd- 42F cold, but very still, so with warm gear on, it wasn't miserable.

23rd- 45F pretty sure that Christmas is going to be warmer than Halloween this year!

24th- 49F a foggy, chilly day, but not freezing when I braved the stores for cherries!

25th- 54F cold with a little sun. A very pretty Christmas day!

26th- 54F not the worst day to take down outside Christmas decor!

27th- 43F colder than yesterday, but I didn't have to spend as much time outside. Very gray.

28th- 43F cold and rainy, but we made Emily's life better with cellphone purchase and saxophone repairs.

29th- 41F another cold and rainy day, with a few more errands, but a cozy pizza lunch in the car with Billy.

30th- 39F still cold, but drier and a little watery sunlight.

31st- 37F a cold NYE! And there's a 40% chance of rain at midnight. I will be so sad if we don't get to set off our fireworks!

later days

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