After Christmas

After Christmas I felt productive.  Very productive.  I finally broke out the rust/lime remover and got our shower tile to be a lighter shade of orange (I've ordered more to get the rest off.)  And I used a towel covered broom to clean the upper tiles of the shower.  While I was there, I cleaned the toiled (even though our cleaning lady was coming the next day) and polished the sink countertop!  Alice said the chemical smell was burning her lungs (drama) so we left the door open, but the final product was a much-improved bathroom!!!

Grace made a very fancy banana/waffle breakfast!

I cleaned out Billy & My closet, though there wasn't much, there were a few things!

Then I tackled William's closet and drawers and nerf guns!  He got rid of two bags of clothing!  And my complaint about not being able to find replacement clothes in this post was kind of dramatic, he had so many pants in his closet, he just wears the same ones over and over!  So, we cleaned out things, and moved the unused pants to the pile he uses.

Next, I tackled the twins current and upcoming clothing!

One of Billy's undershirts looked like he rubbed up against a brick wall.  So many holes, large and small!!!  I found an old shirt that I'd cut up, but not really used for a rag to repair it.  It turned out much better, but took one large patch, 2 sleeve patches, and several hole repairs.  I don't know if he'll wear it, since it will be a little thicker, but I feel like a repair should at least be attempted.

(it was inside out in the first picture)

Before Ms. Charlie came, we went through the twins' laundry baskets, making some tough choices (they only have 2 weeks worth of pants each now) and pulled out another two bags worth of clothing!!! Since the pile was so large, instead of dumping it in my mom's car for her return, she sent a message to her friend to collect it for the love closet at the church!

On I.E.L.D. (improve Emily's life day) we took her Eb alto saxophone to the music shop to be repaired, and went by the phone repair shop for a new battery (since hers was dying every time she took a picture.)  We also went by Sarah's, the church, Aldi, Edru (to redeem all of the tickets that we'd saved, since they've now transitioned to a card system, and the sweet lady totally helped us count 1900 tickets!!!) and Zoey's to drop off some fun Great Wolf Lodge items for their upcoming trip!

While we were there, they lent me their copy of Muppet Treasure Island, because of Tim Curry, so I watched it last night. It was really good and has stood the test of time quite well!  Now I kind of want to read the source!

Today I had lunch with Billy (little Caeser's pizza in the car) on his new fiber plates!!! They will be on sale next year some time, but he got an advance supply, and the kids were really excited. = ) 

After I left him, I went to the thrift store, where I got a jump on next year's gifts, then by the music store to discuss the Eb Alto Saxophone repair, then on to the fireworks store.  We are celebrating the New Year with the Cornishes this year, so we get to set off real fireworks!!!  (And some kid friendly ones of course!)  This is $40 worth of fireworks, somehow???  I don't usually buy fireworks, my daddy was not a fan, so we only did sparklers and poppers when I was a kid. 

Hopefully New Year's Eve pictures are coming!

We had a fun, productive, clean week! 2023 treated us well!

later days

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