Fourth Grade Music Performance

On Wednesday, Grace and Juliet had their fourth grade music performance.  Their school is split into semesters, so this year they had music first, and then in the spring they will have art for the second semester.  Normally at this point, I would be lamenting that this is their final elementary performance and how sad I am.  However, I got some interesting, inside, information that next year Dimondale will actually hold fifth graders* too!  So, it seems that this might not be the end of their elementary career!

Either way, this was their final fourth grade muscial performance, and they started by playing a song on the recorders.

Then, they did a Russian folk dance!  It was much improved over last year, where they were all in one big circle.  This year they were in three smaller circles, one for each class!  So, they were able to practice more accurately, and the result was a big improvement!

Last year, this performance was standing room only, so I made sure to arrive when the doors opened.  So as not to waste my time, I brought supplies to make a small paper flower bouquet for each of the girls.  I wish I would have snapped a picture outside afterwards, with them holding their flowers, but that will just have to go down as a regret. = ( 

Sign out was impressively done!  Each teacher had a sign out for their class, so there was not a big long line to stand in, but just a short class line, and all it took was a signature!   You were then given a pass for each child, and showed it at the door!  I was impressed with the planning and forethought that happened to get us out the door fast!  The parking lot release was much slower though.  = (

The girls wanted the flowers on the table to show them off, so they sat there for a couple of days before heading back to the recycling!

There is seriously nothing better than seeing your child's face when they find in you in the crowd. = )

later days

 *Technically, this is still just hearsay, not confirmed, so treat it as such please!

edit: backdated 12-23-23 for continuity

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