Computer Cabinet Cleanout

William was the first to clean out his computer cabinet, because his birthday gifts had no home in his cabinet, and were living, illegally, on top of his cabinet.  So, before we decorated for Christmas, he had to clean his cabinet out, since we use the top of his cabinet for the advent calendar!

Then, during the thanksgiving break, Emily, Grace and Juliet also decided to clean theirs out (to beat the rush before Christmas!)

I was so proud of how well they evaluated what to keep and what to give away.

As the get rid of box filled up, I started to pull things that other people might be interested in, as stocking stuffers or small treats for kids they knew!

First, I brought the unclaimed (via text message) items up to the school and set them out in the teacher's lounge, then brought the rest (as well as the entire contents of my get rid of pile) to a moms meeting.  One of the sweet ladies in the group offered to take the remainder to a free to shop 'thrift' store.  So, I was relieved of having to take it anywhere!  

My mudroom felt really empty, until it was time for Alice to clean out her cabinet.  She didn't get rid of quite as much as her siblings, but we did vacuum and dust her cabinet, and she threw out trash that had been in there a while.  So, her cabinet looks better, even though she won't admit it. lol.

The twins also spent two evenings cleaning out the American girl doll closet, getting rid of a few things, and under the bed where their folding kitchen from last year lives, getting rid of quite a bit!

So, I brought more to our last moms' meeting of the year, where people were able to claim a few treasures. And a totally different, but also sweet, lady offered to take my cast offs to a thrift store, since she was running her own there after the meeting!   

My house feels lighter and cleaner, and we now have a little more space for the goodies under the tree. = )

later days

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