Garden Heartvests

The tomato plant that Nicole gave me has been giving me tomatoes en masse!!!

We also got cucumbers and squash!

Do you see that bent cucumber in the middle?  It was sooooooo good. It tasted buttery!  I guess I saved some sort of seeds from ones that I bought, maybe an English cucumber? Sadly, we only got 2 of those, but they were the best!

Some of my larger tomatoes made for great caprese salads!

We have gotten so much basil from our indoor plants! I keep drying it, using the microwave, and adding it to jars, but thought I'd try a round the old-fashioned way!

I think maybe we ate the missing part of the heart before I could snap a photo, which is why this heartvest has a large gap?

I trades some of our tomato and squash bounty with Kristy for some zucchini and eggs!  Talk about living the dream!

This deer here likes to snack on my garden!

Lots and lots of tomatoes.  And the end of the peas.

New this year: corn!  Only two of my stalks actually produced, but we got three ears that I hand fertilized (in case the wind and rain didn't quite make it.) 

Alice and Grace enjoyed the first two, and Billy had laid claim to the third, but when we went out to check on it, some creature (see above) had pulled it off the stalk and it was on the ground. = (  

I tried to collect all the tomatoes at the bottom of this heart, but Grace thought they looked better spread out haphazardly, and who am I to argue?

I thought my pumpkin plant was going to skip out on the pumpkins this year (despite taking over the ground bed) but last week I spied a large green pumpkin!!!

Getting really close to the end of the season, but really enjoying all of these tasty tomatoes!

One more big haul today! There were many unripened ones still, and the tomato plants still have flowers!!!!

It's been a lovely season, though I didn't spend as much time in my garden this summer as I had hoped, but the plants grew and produced none-the-less!

later days

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