Grace and Juliet Inspire Laughter at the Talent Show!

Grace and Juliet joined their talent show with a 'comedic magic show.'  They worked hard on their act, and it was really cute.

This prop I made, and was really proud of it, when you took of the clip, the opened up and read "Grace and Juliet's Magic show!"

We had to go straight from the pick-up line to the high school, so I brought dinner for the girls, and they ate while we waited for the auditorium to open.

I had a total mom-fail and did not get the entirety of their show on camera, but it was really cute, I promise.

I made two bouquets from the flowers they picked out after Alice's birthday party last year (they wanted to have similar decor, but that's since changed.)  

Each of the acts was well done, and there was a surprise teacher dance at the very end!  And after that surprise dance, they called for anyone who wanted to dance the cha-cha slide to come up.  Surprisingly, all five of mine went up!

It was short and sweet, and low stress (mostly.)  I sure was proud of my babies!

later days

edit 5-27-24: backdated for continuity.

Fourth Grade Author Party

After months of working on their research projects for Underrepresented people, the twins' class finally got to 'publish' their work!  They had a party to commemorate the occasion, and I do love to party, so when their teacher said he was thinking 'fancy' I was on it!

I was hoping for a chocolate fountain, but was still quite happy with this juice fountain from the Mason FUMC rummage sale! (my total for everything I bought was $18.)  By carrying it in in a box filled with other things, I was able to keep it from the twins, so that they could also be surprised. = )

Grace had a balloon arch kit that she got with Avia from a free box at some point, and was excited to build and contribute it as a decoration for the party. 

Kristy and I hit a rummage sale the morning of the event, and I scored some adorable little cups to hold some flowers that were blooming right outside my kitchen window*!

I also scored some shiny candles to add to the doily centerpieces.

I got to be the one parent volunteer for the party, and felt very privileged to be there and see all of their hard work on display!

On party day, I arrived about an hour before the party was due to start, and worked every moment of it to transform this corner from school to fancy.  Hanging the foil wall decorations really made it feel so special!  I was able to hide the empties behind it, and so it looked really pretty and uncluttered!

Grace wanted to make cupcakes with blue icing (though I did advise against it, she was set on blue.)  We also brought in a tube of chocolate eclairs and cream puffs.  Someone else sent in the oreos and yet a third person sent in the cereal bars! 

Ms. Shay made these adorable little display signs to go around the table!

There were nine bottles of sparkling grape juice, and 6 bottles of regular apple juice, to go through the fountain.  The fourth graders polished off all the bottles of sparkling juice and drank somewhere around 3 of the apple juice bottles.  In the future, I would also provide some water, as many of them were hot and thirsty, but really didn't need more sugar.

Instead of having platters of crackers & meat & cheese, I was instructed to separate them into servings, which I think was a good call.  It minimized time at the table, and ensured that everyone got a little bit.  I didn't bring the meat and cheese or crackers, I don't know if it were sent in or their teacher made it happen.  Either way, the kids really liked it!

The overall effect was nice, and I think the kids felt how special many of the adults in the school felt their work was!

I was a little sad that I didn't make it all the way through Grace's presentation on Bessie Coleman, before having to rush off to attend the table again.  I didn't even get to start Juliet's presentation, though she wrote about Toni Morrison. 

Then, just as fast as it started, the party was over and clean up began.  It took far less time to pull it down than it did to set it up!  I'm really glad I got to be a part of their celebration.

later days

*I had recently listened to an audio cookbook, and in it she is a huge proponent of bringing unexpected or beautiful things inside to make everything feel novel and special. = )

edit 5-27-24: backdated for continuity.

Fallout Premier Party

A few months ago, I posted about some of the prep I'd been working on for our Fallout Premier Party.  After that, I did a little more prep, and the day finally arrived where we could party and watch the Premier on Amazon!!!

I bought some "squirrel bits" at Gordon's. They were pretty tasty!  Our other main course options were Salisbury steak and noodle cups!

The first round of beer labels didn't really suit my overall effect, so instead of printing labels, we went super basic.  I was much happier.  And, I came to the realization that I could save the labels to glue back on after the party and get my deposit back!!! = )

I desperately wanted the pencil skirt and polyester sleeveless turtleneck with a flip and scarf, 

but that was too modern to be cannon, so I ended up with a button down and pseudo poodle skirt.

One of the party games was to find a 'hidden' plunger.  It's one of my favorite parts of 76, as I think I've mentioned before, so I wanted our guests to feel the excitement too!

After sourcing many stores, I found that these pint-sized (not literally) coke bottles were the only economical glass ones available in our area! They did transform beautifully into nuka-cola bottles though! = )

I found this awesome prop at the MSU surplus store, but was not willing to drop $5 on a prop that wouldn't even light up!

The "Fancy Lad Cakes" made an appearance!

As did the Family Size of Sugar Bombs.

Billy tested out his 3D printer on a badge, but this one was far too large for the lapel pins that I bought, so I painted it with metallic paint and used it as decor.

Cram anyone?

I very a pro pros magnet to use as part of the spread.

I needed something to protect the coffee table, so I repurposed one of our Witcher watching party props!!! = )

The blue and yellow Vault Tec color scheme stretched to the kitchen!

We moved the couch into the bathroom, and then "nuked" the girls' room!

This yellow sheet served double duty!  First, we used it to 'hide' the bunk area of the girls' room, then I cut it down for the twins' talent show!

Emily, Grace, and Juliet found some last-minute blue and yellow to match the theme!  They all approved of the Nuka Cola! = )

Party time!!!!

I was so happy to have a full house to enjoy this premier!  Hopefully everyone enjoyed the 2-3 episodes we watched. = ) Billy was pleased with the direction of the show, and I loved the party! = )

Afterwards, we cleared the room, but didn't return the couch, since Zoey got to stay over for a sleep over with Grace and Juliet!!!! = )

A month after the party (as always) I found another prop that would have made a great side table!!! = (

It was one awesome party, I'm so glad that we got to celebrate with friends.  And maybe in a few years when the next season comes out, we can do it again! 

later days

edited 5-26-24: backdated for continuity.

Juliet Answers Her Birthday Survey: 10 years-old

 So Grace and Juliet have been ten for almost two months, but better late than never, right?

I am 10 years old.

My favorite color is: yellow
The coolest person on earth is: i don't know
The thing I do best is: be myself
If I could change my name, it would be: Juliet
My favorite toy is: American girl dolls
When I grow up, I want to be:  a zoo keeper
I like to watch: the amazing world of gumball
My favorite song is: under the sea
My favorite book is: happy birthday bad kitty
3 words to describe me are: fun,happy,cerative
When I was little, I used to: Think the world was always cold
My favorite season is: fall
The food I like most is: spaghetti
One food I really don't like is: fajitas
My best friend is: Kennedy Ann McKim
For my birthday I want to: go to vr/trampoline park/Lazer tag
My best memory is: Going on a big chair with my friend at the ice cream store

later days

you can find last year's survey here.

Grace Answers Her Birthday Survey: 10 years-old

So Grace and Juliet have been ten for almost two months, but better late than never, right?

I am 10 years old.

My favorite color is: green
The coolest person on earth is: A.L.L
The thing I do best is: 
If I could change my name, it would be: maple
My favorite toy is: 
When I grow up, I want to be: nurse/doctor
I like to watch: hello kitty
My favorite song is: dance monkey
My favorite book is: the hello kitty book we have
3 words to describe me are: cute, brown hair, loving
When I was little, I used to: not be messy
My favorite season is: spring
The food I like most is: tacos/spaghetti
One food I really don't like is: sleeve like pasta
My best friend is: Zoey, Renae
For my birthday I want to: get a VR kit
My best memory is: all the fun times

later days

you can find last year's survey here.

Grace and Juliet turn 10!!!!

This milestone birthday certainly hits hard, when the children in question are the babies of the family!!  I cannot believe that these tiny little babies are now 10 years old. ::sniffle::

Grace and Juliet's birthday fell on a Tuesday this year, and they were super excited to bring cupcakes and cookies to pass out.  The cupcakes we made the night before, but they also wanted the super soft cookies with the creamy icing from BJs to pass out, and since there are two of them each one got to pick a treat.

One final photo session as nine-year-olds! (G-J)

Happy Birthday to my favorite twins ever!  I was too slow, to capture it, but Grace blew out her candles a little earlier than Juliet, and somehow managed to blow out only her ten!  It was awesome!

They got some water balloons, and thought it was warm enough to go play outside in their swimsuits.  I did not think it was that warm, personally.

When they came inside, they opened their presents.  My mom found some coordinating sets of something that were Hello Kitty & Ariel, which rarely happens!  

I think they had a fun birthday, filled with many of their favorite things!

Happy birthday to these freshly minted ten year olds!  

later days

you can read their surveys here: Grace and Juliet.

edit 5-27-24: backdated for continuity. 

Solar Eclipse

We were not on the path of totality, but close enough to get a decent show!  The big kids had an early release, which meant we got to spend the time together!  Avia sent glasses up!

Alice had an orthodontist appointment that day, and they were giving out glasses too.  It started while we were still in the office, but didn't quite cover until after we got home.

Some strange shadows forming.

Watching the eclipse in it's early stages.

Took a picture through the glasses with my phone. 

It was a cool thing to see!  Maybe one day I'll get to be in the path of totality!

later days 

P.S. Grace and Juliet's entire school made an event of it, so they were able to see it at school (and even record it in their nature journals.)

edit 5-27-24: backdated for continuity.