Reptiles @ the Library!

At the end of summer, we headed up to the library to claim our summer reading prizes.  Having such a busy summer, my children didn't get as far through the program as they usually do, but were still able to claim some prizes.

Since we were at their favorite branch (close to my sister's house) I told them we could stay a while, but we had to get home to meet with the dishwasher technician, so we couldn't stay super long.  So, I sat in the bench nearby, and thought it was a little weird that all the toys were put away and tables were pushed up against the walls, but thought maybe they were doing a deep cleaning?

Well, turns out that they had a program scheduled for the day we went, and the kids enjoyed learning about various reptiles, even getting to pet and (in the case of a really large snake) hold them! 

There was even a turtle race! Sadly, it's been so long, I don't remember any of the animal names, but many of them were puns and quite cute!  The turtle was freckles and the tortoise was Ivan. (thanks FB memories!)

Oh, wait, there was a snake named Dash who got his name because he escaped into the dashboard of the presenter's car! = 0  Emily remembered Orange Creamsicle and Cornflake (who was a corn snake.) 

Alice had already started begging to go, and while I was slightly put out that I wasn't going to be able to just read my book (because there was a live presenter and that would be rude) we both enjoyed it!

Right after the program they were offering a 'meet up and eat up' in the back room, so the kids all got some lunch!  We were going to walk down for ice cream at the nearby dairy queen, but I don't think we had time, so maybe the kids walked down to the ice cream store here in the village, while I waited for the dishwasher repair guy?  I'll ask the kids if they remember, and report back if they do! 

They also had on the movie SOUL, but we for sure didn't have time to finish it, so I need to put it on someday so that I can watch it! 

I'm glad we have at least one library memory from this summer, it's a part of their early childhood I don't quite want to give up yet!

later days

edit 9-9-24: backdated for continuity.

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