Garden Update

While Sarah was gone, I took pictures of her garden each time I went by, just so that she could see her happy plants.

I can't see much of my garden from inside, but I enjoy looking at what I can see!

I thought that a strong wind had ripped off the top section of one my pea plants. = (  However, when I went out a few days later, when there hadn't been any wind, it too was missing!  I know there's a bunny, and chippunk and some birds, but the entire top of the vine was gone!

Then, one of my friends sent me this picture of our backyard that she took while walking her dog one morning!!!  Punk deer eating my plants!

Small green tomatoes!

Onion plants are huge!!!

We have wild strawberries all over the yard in June, this one was big and bright against the gutter.

Something in the mulch smelled awful, like sour milk or dead animal.  Then this yellow powder appeared in the front bed.  Once it disappeared so did the smell.  Very weird!

The plant recovered and started making new peas!

I left these on the vine to ripen a little more, but when I went to check on them the following day, guess who got to them first! That's right, punk deer.

So, the next ripened tomatoes, I collected a little earlier, so that the deer wouldn't get them first!  Not enough for a heartvest, but a happy harvest.

Our first cucumber! 

 Sadly, by the time I returned from Oklahoma it was overripe and yellowing. = (  I still collected it, as well as our first squash!

This squash had a very thick skin!  It wasn't inedible, but was tough.

Pan fried!

 I made some squash bread afterwards to sop up some of the excess butter, and it went fast!

We have some lettuce out there and lots of tomatoes incoming!  The corn is looking kind of short considering we are past July 4th, We'll see what happens!

Now that I'm back, and the party is over, the water regimen should be a little more regular.

later days

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