Pre-Band Camp

This past week, my incoming freshman started marching band!  Despite the fact that she is forced into it, she's had a fantastic attitude, and looked good out there with the clarinet section!

After her first day, we ran home, collected William and EGJ (after Kristy dropped them off from swim camp) to meet up with Billy at a pancake dinner fundraiser!  They tossed the pancakes at you.  lol.

Billy's first pancake was a trick shot, but he managed to grab it!  He's got some good hand-eye coordination!

Day 2!  She knew what to expect, and still had a good attitude!  I cannot believe that my little Alice is going to high school - next month!!!!!!

Next week (starting Sunday night) is full fledged band camp, and it is some intense commitment!  They go 12 hours a day!  It's not overnight, but they are spending lots of time together.  The schedule is lots of work, but a little bit of play too. = )

I hope she loves it and finds her people.

later days

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