
At the end of July, Alice had band camp. The week before, they had pre-band camp, which was only 2 half days.  But up here band camp starts on Sunday evening, and goes through the following Friday.  Monday through Friday the days are 12 hours long, but they do have a bit of fun. 

We read the list, but each day I felt like Alice brought along something else.

For the senior day, they did 'Christmas in July.'  They wrapped anything that could be wrapped, put up Christmas trees and Christmas lights everywhere, made a giant Christmas tree out of band chairs and stands, and had Christmas music playing on several speakers.

By the last day, Alice was in the groove and was totally ready for the parent/family exhibition!

We didn't arrive nearly as early as I would have hoped, I'm not sure what we were doing ahead of time, it's been too long now.  Emily was there, but I don't have a picture of her (?), and Billy had to meet us there during her lunch break.

Alice was at quite the disadvantage, since they were given music at freshmen camp*.  So, she didn't get her music until full band camp started.  She's been practicing since then, but obviously didn't yet have it memorized.

She still looked good marching with her band, and considering she is being 'forced' to participate, has had the best of attitudes about it! 

Can't wait until next year when two of my babies are out there!

later days

*Sadly, that date wasn't on my calendar, because the director puts it on the previous years' calendar.  So, next year, I already know what to expect for Emily!

edit 9-9-24: backdated for continuity.

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