Reptiles @ the Library!

At the end of summer, we headed up to the library to claim our summer reading prizes.  Having such a busy summer, my children didn't get as far through the program as they usually do, but were still able to claim some prizes.

Since we were at their favorite branch (close to my sister's house) I told them we could stay a while, but we had to get home to meet with the dishwasher technician, so we couldn't stay super long.  So, I sat in the bench nearby, and thought it was a little weird that all the toys were put away and tables were pushed up against the walls, but thought maybe they were doing a deep cleaning?

Well, turns out that they had a program scheduled for the day we went, and the kids enjoyed learning about various reptiles, even getting to pet and (in the case of a really large snake) hold them! 

There was even a turtle race! Sadly, it's been so long, I don't remember any of the animal names, but many of them were puns and quite cute!  The turtle was freckles and the tortoise was Ivan. (thanks FB memories!)

Oh, wait, there was a snake named Dash who got his name because he escaped into the dashboard of the presenter's car! = 0  Emily remembered Orange Creamsicle and Cornflake (who was a corn snake.) 

Alice had already started begging to go, and while I was slightly put out that I wasn't going to be able to just read my book (because there was a live presenter and that would be rude) we both enjoyed it!

Right after the program they were offering a 'meet up and eat up' in the back room, so the kids all got some lunch!  We were going to walk down for ice cream at the nearby dairy queen, but I don't think we had time, so maybe the kids walked down to the ice cream store here in the village, while I waited for the dishwasher repair guy?  I'll ask the kids if they remember, and report back if they do! 

They also had on the movie SOUL, but we for sure didn't have time to finish it, so I need to put it on someday so that I can watch it! 

I'm glad we have at least one library memory from this summer, it's a part of their early childhood I don't quite want to give up yet!

later days

edit 9-9-24: backdated for continuity.


At the end of July, Alice had band camp. The week before, they had pre-band camp, which was only 2 half days.  But up here band camp starts on Sunday evening, and goes through the following Friday.  Monday through Friday the days are 12 hours long, but they do have a bit of fun. 

We read the list, but each day I felt like Alice brought along something else.

For the senior day, they did 'Christmas in July.'  They wrapped anything that could be wrapped, put up Christmas trees and Christmas lights everywhere, made a giant Christmas tree out of band chairs and stands, and had Christmas music playing on several speakers.

By the last day, Alice was in the groove and was totally ready for the parent/family exhibition!

We didn't arrive nearly as early as I would have hoped, I'm not sure what we were doing ahead of time, it's been too long now.  Emily was there, but I don't have a picture of her (?), and Billy had to meet us there during her lunch break.

Alice was at quite the disadvantage, since they were given music at freshmen camp*.  So, she didn't get her music until full band camp started.  She's been practicing since then, but obviously didn't yet have it memorized.

She still looked good marching with her band, and considering she is being 'forced' to participate, has had the best of attitudes about it! 

Can't wait until next year when two of my babies are out there!

later days

*Sadly, that date wasn't on my calendar, because the director puts it on the previous years' calendar.  So, next year, I already know what to expect for Emily!

edit 9-9-24: backdated for continuity.

Sleepovers and Playdates

I've had children gone, children added, back to back sleepovers and quick turn arounds for my dear ones this summer.  Emily was pretty good about sending me pictures from her adventures!  The night we got back from camping, Emily showered, repacked and headed out with Abby's family to visit her mom's parents!  They were gone five nights, and she was busy the whole time!

They did trampoline, tie dye, beach, fireworks, boating, Greenfield Village, movies, glow sticks, and so many other things!  I'm trying to convince Emily it would be worthwhile for her to write about it, but she's unconvinced, so I'm posting a few pictures that either Nicole or Emily sent me, so that she can fondly remember her trip later.

I sure as happy to have her home!  She was pretty tired after almost two weeks of fun!

Earlier in the summer, she spent the night at Ella's house, and they went to the Gizzardfest to celebrate her birthday.  She sent me a couple of pictures from that night too.

Very recently, Grace headed to Renae's for the night, and we got to have Kennedy over at the same time.  So, the house felt happy with 5 children running around. = )  I have no pictures of Grace at Renae's though, because she doesn't have a phone and was borrowing William's.

One of the nights Emily was gone, we'd gone to pick up some cardboard for the murder mystery chimney from Kristy, and came home with Zoey as well as the cardboard. = )

We have a playdate scheduled for William, since, aside from summer camp, he hasn't had time to hang out with any of his friends!  

Melody and Heleena were also able to come visit for playdates during the day, which was fun.  Grace made a gift for Heleena, when she came over.

And Kristy picked up and dropped off EGJ each day for an entire week of swim camp!!!

And, on night one, the twins got to spend the night with Zoey, too!  I was in Oklahoma for the first part of the week, and recovering for the second part, so I sure am thankful that she was willing to take on part of my crew too!

I've tried to say yes as much as I can to social events this summer, but I'm tired!  Next week is band camp, and then we have about one week before the twins start up, so I don't know how much time we'll have to play, but we'll try!

later days

Other Fun Activites

My usual hodgepodge post that has other fun things we've done that don't fit in with the other posts this round.

Avia came back for a little while!

Grace was patiently waiting for her to come over.

She treated us all to ice cream one afternoon, but Alice and I had to hustle away to get her to driving school.

And just like that, it was time for her to leave again. = (  (And despite how the tree in the picture might look, it's still summer here!)

One Saturday Emily, William, Grace and Juliet comprised a large percentage of the youth group trip to ZapZone.

While I was in Oklahoma, Billy dropped Alice off at Comicon to meet up with some of her friends.  She had an excellent time.  She spent hours sewing and crafting her dino mask upgrades!

Billy signed us up for new internet, because it was cheaper and faster than what we had, but it has been an annoying transition.  They installed the router on the opposite wall from our old one.  I had to install a shelf to get it off of Grace's computer cabinet, so that it wouldn't accidentally get knocked off.

My favorite upgrade is that we finally got to take down the ethernet cable for William's computer (3 years later), since we could now attach him with a shorter cable!

We found some Lincoln Logs at the rummage sale here in the village, and William and Grace really enjoyed creating with them!

At the robotics rummage sale, that I ended up at alone for some reason, I was so late in the sale that everything was free.  I spent a long time going through the miscellaneous toy box, and picked out as many calico critters from the set that I saw.  I also found lol doll pieces and a few other fun items that made me think of my children.

Grace combined the calico critters with the Lincoln logs for even more enjoyment! 

I sent Haley's crew (and Avia) a set of cool postcards that we got on our most recent Ann Arbor visit.  I took some pictures, just in case one of them failed to make it.  Since then, they have all arrived, though over a week apart!

The goslings were growing so fast, now they are totally indistinguishable from the other adults (at least to me, a layman.)

I bought what I though was a Germany eraser for Emily, but it turns out it was a Germany flag made from grease!  Emily and I tried it out, it was pretty cool!

Lola Rennt was rereleased for its 25th anniversary in limited theaters.  It just so happened that the theater closest to us was one of the participating theaters!  I invited Alice and Billy (I couldn't remember why it was rated R, so didn't want to bring William or the twins along) but they both declined.  

The only night we were available was a Sunday, so on a school night, we went and watched a 25 year old German movie.  I was excited that it was German audio with English subtitles.

I took only a single picture, and caught Emily with her eyes closed.  It's okay, we were pretending like it was the 1990s anyhow.

I saw a bunny from the window of the dentists' office!

Grace and Juliet wanted to use some of the color street appliques that we have squirrelled away in the bathroom, when I changed out my toenail design.  We all felt quite pretty.

Speaking of pretty, Juliet felt quite pretty in her new nightgown from Avia.

Emily and Grace picked out a popcorn maker at the rummage sale in here in the village. It makes excellent popcorn, but it's so big and is a bit difficult to clean.  I made a home for it, and as long as the girls take care of it we'll keep it.

We found a battery powered vehicle in a free pile, and Grace was super upset that I wouldn't let her take it home.  I told her that we could take a picture that makes it look like she's having a fabulous time, so that she can remember it fondly, without having to take it home.

The cloud formation looked a bit like North America!

Sarah brought back some boxes of office supplies from Grandma's house.  Among them were a few pages of copy paper.  Grace and Juliet thought it was pretty cool!

Also among the things from Grandma was the album that she had from the time she took me to German for graduation (my first trip to Germany.)   I found some pictures of me and Christin!!!

The kids created a tent city in the girls' room!

Our neighbors had such pretty flowers to look at on our walk to the bus stop for Emily and William's summer camp.

Juliet watching her tablet in a very unconventional resting position.

Juliet with her heart shaped m&ms!

The clouds were so pretty, but it was quickly blown away, my family barely had time to make it to the window to see it!

Grace made a playdoh 'Avia.'

We found a tiny frog while setting up for the murder mystery party!

Just before leaving for Oklahoma, Billy and I went on a last minute date to Mitchel's seafood restaurant in East Lansing.  I ordered the lobster, which was okay, but I loved the butter set up.  So much so, that I have two pictures of it, and none of Billy or the lobster or even the fountain! lol.

One of Sarah's neighbors had a trash bag full of cell phone covers on their curb!  While waiting for Alice to finish up band camp on Thursday, I opened and sorted the cases into clean/needs to be washed piles.

 It must have been close to 50 cases!  I'm so excited.

Hopefully in the future, I'll get to enjoy these stories again, since I'm sure many will be forgotten (at least by me.)

later days