
Today is the final day of February, and we have not received much in the way of snow this winter!  I don't know if March is going to come in and make up for it, or if we are really and truly through winter.  The forecast is promising the latter with a 70F degree day in the forecast!

This was the absolute worst shoveling that I have ever done!  The underlayer was solid ice.  It came off easily in some places, but under the trees (where water had melted down) we had to use copious amounts of salt to melt it and scrape it off!  It was a team effort for sure, and I would have been out there hours and hours had I been working alone!

This Sunday snow was a breeze to move after the ice the previous day.  

Squirrel tracks!

1-16-24 & 1-17-24
AEW had school cancelled, not because of snow but because of the cold.  The heaters in the school couldn't keep up with the constant low temperatures, so they were home.

The snow actually came on 1-19-24, but I was so busy shovelling twice (! once before school and once in the afternoon) because we had so much snow come down between 7&12! 

Not a huge amount of snow, but just enough to need shovelling. = /

I will not complain if this is my final snow post of the year!  We have already enjoyed our first 70F day of the year, and it was glorious!  I'm really pulling for spring*.

later days

*and probably tempted fate by putting two tomato seeds in my indoor planter, hoping for an early spring. = 0

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