English Inn: Macabre Masquerade

For Christmas last year, Billy bought tickets for a live action murder mystery.  At that event, they were already promoting their next mystery in October!  So, we came home and bought tickets for the next round, which was six months away!

Life got pretty busy between summer camps, school starting, a Halloween themed party, and a trip to Germany, so it wasn't until the morning before the event that I remembered that we had plans the next day!!!  Luckily, I'd planned ahead, and we had all of our costume pieces ready to go.

I was able to reuse my costume from Jessica's birthday masquerade earlier in the year, and Billy had his way cool mask that we scored at the thrift shop the first day we were looking for masks!

It was a Sunday night again, but this time we didn't stay overnight.

As the previous one, this one was well done!  The tables were themed, and the actors are quite talented!

The props in this one were stepped up a notch!  They had a newspaper, and a scroll, and a journal that wasn't on the table when I went to take my pictures, which apparently had major clues in it. = (

Our table did not successfully solve the mystery this time. ::sniff::  One of the couples at our table were gifted the tickets by their neighbors, because the neighbors weren't able to attend, so they had no idea what to expect!  The rest of us didn't really have an excuse, because we were all at the last one, and in fact, we even got to sit with the queen!

The next round is Sherlock Holmes themed, and on our anniversary!  We bought tickets at the VIP table so that we could sit with Holmes and Watson!  And, Kristy and David are also coming!!  It promises to be a good time.  

I've started collecting pieces of my costume, but as of right now, my skirt will be an altered formal dress that I got at Goodwill for $2, and I haven't really gotten to start the process with all of the other things that have been happening!  Robotics season is almost over though, it ends next Saturday, so maybe I'll have a little more time. lol. I wish.

I love that we have this amazing event so close to home*!!

later days

*let me know if you want to come join the fun and I'll send you the details!!

edit 11-5-23: backdated for continuity. 

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