Emergency Alert Systems

While we were in Germany they tested out the Emergency alert system.  I was on the train on my way back to Freudenstadt from Berlin.  It was a wild experience to be in a confined public place, because all of a sudden we were united in this moment.  

The alarm itself was met with nervous laughter, and many phones sounded twice (mine went off first in English, then a short time later, in German.)

One of the ladies on the train was super embarrassed, because she had turned off the first alarm, and it was her second alarm going off for a very long time.  She hadn't realized that it was hers and admitted that she was annoyed by 'whoever' had theirs going off. Gave us all another chuckle.

Back home, a few weeks later, I was home all by my lonesome when the alert went off, in Spanish, on my phone!

I was in the middle of texting Billy to see if his were also in Spanish, when I got the alert in English.

I'm feeling the slightest bit unnerved by the fact that they think we need to have these at all (do they know something we don't know?) But I hope to never have to hear it, outside of testing, again.

later days

edit 11-5-23: backdated for continuity.

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