Halloween and Trunk-or-Treat

We signed up to host a trunk at the twins' school for the last time!!!  It is bittersweet, though we only did it twice.  We should have done it every year, because it was awesome for them to have a place to leave and return for the duration!  

This year, as I was collecting my trunk or treat decorations, I could not track down the adapter that would make an outlet powered by my car port!!!!  I emptied the Halloween bin, and even looked through the ones that were just holding Billy's empty Halloween village boxes!  I checked the indoor camping bin, the two 'winter emergency bins' that I keep in either vehicle, and every nook and cranny I could find in our cars (I even checked with my car jack!)  Plan B was to use Billy's car, which has a built in plug, but his car is full of bulky work molds....

I finally had to give up the search, but as we turned the corner onto the street I thought of one more place to check, and lucky me, it was in with all the 'random' electronics!!!!  Obviously, I've placed it back there for future use.

Billy collected AEW from their Halloween dance at 5, and the four of them joined us in the parking lot.

Grace and Juliet fell right in with their friends, William still has plenty of friends (with younger siblings) and Emily volunteered to work a shift in the cafeteria, so I didn't see all of them at once until we got home!

Alice mostly sat in the car, but when I snapped this picture, she was out collecting candy, so I just managed the four of them.

William and Weston!

And, I even have a picture of me and Billy that I pulled from the PTO facebook page!  The girls made some leaves with faces, which were really well received!  I did miss our dead rocks this year.  = (

Alice made a beautiful "Persephone" costume, but when she took it off after trunk or treat, she broke the zipper!  She'd already removed the flowers from the dress by the time I got home, but the mask was still decorated.  Well, mostly decorated.  She had two horns on it at the start of the day, and was down to a single by the end of the event.

She looked really pretty, I was sad not to get a "full" costume picture, but she humored me and put on the broken dress the next morning for a picture. = )

Halloween this year fell on the coldest day we've had since May, and was on a Tuesday.  I could not wait for it to be over!  

In the morning, I had socks, a fresh toothbrush, a Roblox gift card, and Halloween Kinder egg waiting with each of my dear ones.  They were surprisingly excited about the toothbrushes this year!  The count-chocula cereal that I get each year is always well received, and yet, we still have over half a container left a week later.  I think maybe they don't actually like the cereal! = 0

Kennedy came over a little before 6, and promptly at 6pm, we started trick or treating!

Emily and Aubrey (Abby's sisters) came over right at 6, so we all set off in two groups.  The older girls and William went faster and further, while all the Moms (Jennifer, Nicole, and I) stayed with the slower little girls.

Willow and her friend caught up with the big kid group, and I managed a quick picture before they were out of sight!

As we walked, it got colder and snowier and wetter! 

Our group did the 'short' circuit and we were back at 6:50.  The Emilys and William lasted another 30 minutes, and Alice and her group 20 more than them, but no one lasted the 2 hours.  It was so wet and cold!

Billy stayed home to pass out candy while we were out. We managed to pass out almost all of our treats, by giving out literal handfuls at the end of the window, but still had some leftover.

My snow truck had its first snow portrait of the season that night! 

 later days

edit 11-5-23: backdated for continuity. 

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