Three Other Pictures

I have a few stray pictures that didn't really fit in anywhere else, so I'll drop them here!

The twins were super happy to have Avia back!  Juliet said she wouldn't cry, and she didn't, but her face turned awfully red with the effort!  

My garden is pumping out RED tomatoes now!  Sadly, the mozzarella that I got from Kroger was opened slightly on one end and got all over my refrigerator.  I'm also leery of eating "fresh" mozzarella that is already opened, so I'm planning to return it tomorrow. = (

Yesterday we got to hang out at the Cornishes and play some games! We played 3 rounds of Forbidden Island, one round of Code Monkey Island, but I'd bought it used and it didn't have the instructions, so we made up our own rules. = ) The last came we played was Red Dragon Inn.

After the games, we stuck around for a little while longer for some s'mores!  It was a very pleasant, if cool, day!  Only WGJ came, and Alice and Emily stayed home, but the three that came had a good time!

Now I'm all caught up, so, next in the queue will be another round of first day of school pictures!

later days

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