Other Happenings

Adding a post to highlight little events that wound down our summer!

Grace measured almost everything and kneaded the dough for our dinner rolls one night!

She then played with a portion of the dough for hours after dinner!

William came home at the very end of the school year and told me that he was sad that his teacher's rocking chair was broken (and we saw it out by the dumpster the very last day of school.)  Well, this summer I found not one, but two chairs for his classroom and it was particularly fitting, since the twins will be in his room next year!

I found a solution to store my 'ice bags'!  Whenever we need a bag of ice, I start collecting it from our 'countertop' ice maker a few days in advance.  I am so stingy with my ziplocs though, I hate to toss them, so I'd been keeping them next to the ice maker, but it was in the way and looked awful.  So now, I have this lovely basket keeping them for next time!

I scored a giant green summer zucchini squash from a road side stand, so I thought I'd try my hand at zucchini flour.

I chopped it, 

ground it, 

drained it,

drained it again,

And spread it out thinly.  I cooked it on low for days in the oven, and it was not drying.  Finally, it was turning brown instead of drying, and so after three days, I threw it all out. = (  All that work makes it extra sad for it to be a complete fail.

Next time, I'll stir it on day one, to see if that helps.  I'm also looking for actual dehydrators at yard sales. = )

William with his crazy hair, post bath!  He got some hand-me down cologne and has been wearing it when we go out. I feel like all of my kids grew up so much this summer!

Grace made a cute little library out of foam. = )

My collection of old/broken cell phone covers is looking pretty robust.  I plan to use them to make a garden path, once I have enough of them. = )  I'll take your old ones if you have any!

 School for everyone starts tomorrow!  Supplies are ready, but I don't know if I am!

later days

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