Alice's 14th Birthday!!!

Last night, we took 'one last picture' as a 13 year old.  Emily came in to offer her fingers, but things got a little silly.

This morning, the entire family was awake at 8am, for birthday cake!!! Oh, and to celebrate our favorite 14 year old!! ; )

Alice really liked almost everything she got, but I was so incredibly pleased that the first thing she went back to, once she'd opened everything was her Russian Country Human.

She's trying to mimic the face here.

Next, she tried out some of the Japanese treats from the Helterbrands!

Looking fashionable in her fuzzy hat, that is as old as her mother!

She spent time transforming her dragon bones into something else, and got to have a lazy birthday, even though it is the day before school starts!

I love how creative my fourteen-year-old is!  She's such a good big sister, and shared her new treats with everyone who was brave enough to try them! We think she is pretty amazing.  Happy Birthday my dear girl!

later days

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