Garden Heartvests

Our little garden has been supplying with us with a steady stream of sugar snap peas and squash!

The morning we left for our camping trip, the rain had collected on the peas, and it just looked so pretty!

A heartvest of just peas!

When we got back from our camping trip, I found that 3 of our pumpkins had turned almost completely orange! (I hope this isn't a sign of an early fall!!! brrrr)

The cucumber plants (little yellow flowers) have interwoven themselves in the pumpkin leaves!

And the garden had quite a harvest for us!  Look at the first of the red tomatoes!!!! = )

A happy heartvest!

And more and more each day!  How lovely having a garden has been!

So far we've used the tomatoes in a caprese salad, for tacos and on Gyros! = )

later days

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