Alice Answers Her Birthday Survey: 15 years old

I am    42    years old.  <--- (editor's note) She's so weird!!!
My favorite color is: Pastel colors, primarily pink
The coolest person on earth is: A youtuber who makes CH content (they're the GOAT)
The thing I do best is: Country flags!
If I could change my name, it would be: Mixie
My favorite toy is: My computer
When I grow up, I want to be: An anesthetics doctor
I like to watch: YouTube
My favorite song is: Dr Sunshine is dead
My favorite book is: N/A
3 words to describe me are: Quiet/Silent/Mute
When I was little, I used to: Eat spinach
My favorite season is: Winter, duh
The food I like most is: Mash potatoes and Salisberry steak
One food I really don't like is: Fish n Chips
My best friends are: Willow, Melony, Valery, and Aubrey
For my birthday I want to: Go to a cat cafe (Or a Pusheen/Country, cafe/place if it became available)
My best memory is: Making friends

later days

you can see her answers from last year here.
and her birthday post from this year here.

edit 9-9-24: backdated for continuity. 

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